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April 10th, 2011

The Field: Abandoned Oasis [Apr. 10th, 2011|09:20 am]



Why is everything so damn purple?!

Available PBs
Character Directory
The Field is a game about taking ordinary people and placing them without warning in a completely extraordinary world. Nothing here is familiar save that trees are still trees, air is still air and water is still water. The animal population is completely different from that of earth. All vegetation has a slight purple tinge, the sun's light is more harsh white than it is golden and at night the wild constellations are completely unfamiliar. There is no civilization in this place, only terrain. Some of it more hospitable than other areas. Most of the facts about the world will be discovered in game, in play, and through the collaborative efforts of the players.

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[Apr. 10th, 2011|11:49 am]

In 2010 the world as we knew it began to change. It started with rumors and stories about humans performing amazing feats. Being able to fly, producing fire from their hands, turning invisible. Stories that most people thought were science fiction or the kind of stuff the Enquirer would print. However, the sightings continued until what was once considered rumor became fact: humans were beginning to evolve. Soon the stories were on every news channel accompanied with videos to prove these so called 'mutants' existed which left many of the evolved and non-evolved to wonder the same questions:

Where did this come from? Why were certain people changing while others stayed the same? And what happens next?

Some have embraced the evolution, claiming it will change the world for the better. Others react with fear and panic, afraid of what these…freaks are capable of. Many of those affected are left wonder ‘what should they do now?’ Do they continue living their lives like they’ve always had? Or do they start using their powers to make the world a better? What about those who couldn’t give a shit about the rest of the world? What are they going to do? Find out at:

Premise | Rules | Cast | Application
Superpowers | Taken/Held PBs | F.A.Q | Wanted
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[Apr. 10th, 2011|07:42 pm]



Welcome to the Year of Paradox

Character Directory
Player Directory
Friending Button
It’s supposed to be the golden age of England. Harriet Jones leading the way. But she isn’t. Rumors of her ill health have made the citizens uneasy. In comes the man of the hour, Harold Saxon. He’s brilliant, charming and just so… good. The world looks to him to take a larger role in politics. And he’s not one to disappoint. He’s running for Prime Minister and most everyone are just counting the days. Those few who aren’t enthralled with his amazing greatness are too few to really matter. Everyone knows who will win the election and Harold Saxon promises he will change the world.

Welcome to Year of Paradox.

The game will start as Saxon is running for Prime Minister. His winning the election is fixed (will happen in game) as is his taking over the Earth. Anything after that is free form. The implementation of the paradox machine will make unexpected ripples, affecting the rift in Cardiff in an unusual way. As such the rift will be bringing through people two months before the activation of the paradox and a month or so after the activation. There will be no new arrivals after two months after the activation of paradox. New characters from other places may be brought in game but they would have been ‘off screen’ and on the Earth during that time.

This tear in the rift means that people can bring in characters from realities other than Doctor Who or Torchwood. They can even bring in future characters and OC’s. However, we will be limiting the genre’s involved. This is mostly so we can make sure that the feeling of the game remains. No character should be able to easily deal with the Toclafane. They are the major threat in the game and should be dealt with as such. WE have a tentative listing of genre’s but if you want to play someone from one not listed, contact a mod with some information on the genre and we will consider whether or not the character will be allowed.

This game is a dark adult RPG. There will be death, violence and other adult concepts. While some posts may be lighthearted, we ask that any R posts be friend-locked. Also, as mentioned there will be death, a lot of death. Your character may die, especially high risk characters (IE Torchwood, or people the master is looking for.) and characters that engage in high risk behavior. (IE attacking the Toclafane, being known for going against the Master) Also we ask that everyone consider making a character that they know will die. (Especially for the huge 10% death attack). It would be nice to have characters that other characters actually care about die in the game. We are going for a realistic dark world under the control of the Master and his Toclafane.

So are you ready to enter the YEAR OF PARADOX?

Check out our taken and wanted page. Fill out an application. We’ll be glad to have you.

Current genre’s allowed are: Torchwood, Doctor Who, White Wolf Vampire, Buffy, Angel, Harry Potter, Highlander, CSI, NCIS, Firefly, Due South, Bones & Criminal Minds.

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[Apr. 10th, 2011|10:16 pm]


Premise | FAQ | Characters | Application | Cast | Timeline | More

This Purgatory is a DH compliant Trio Era game which started halfway through October 1997. Currently it is mid February in-game and the school is becoming a haven for those who appreciate the Dark Arts. The Carrows have began punishing trouble makers with Crucio and other dark spells, while the DA is attempting to counteract them by teaching defense. As the school year draws to a close, the conditions at Hogwarts worsen.

Lord Voldemort is very near finding the Elder wand, and in less than three months, Harry will make his final stand at Hogwarts.

With the final battle on the horizon, we are looking to fill in the rest of our cast list for maximum participation in the ending events. Question is, where will you stand come the final battle of Hogwarts?

the battle begins in [two months!]

Most wanted: Vincent Crabbe, Millicent Bulstrode, Aspen Parkinson, pro-Carrows students in general, mean/vindictive characters, Su Li, Penelope Turpin, 5th years!

→ In preparation for writing the final battle, applications will close on May 30th

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