Advertise your dark role playing games here. - May 25th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 25th, 2010

Age of Darkness - seeking new players! [May. 25th, 2010|01:12 pm]



Age of Darkness


A Dark AU Harry Potter RPG





Character Directory

Player Directory

Friending Button

In the month of October, 1981, the man called Lord Voldemort had a dream. A vision of his own death. More afraid of his own mortality than he had ever been he found a way to kill the boy Harry Potter without ever setting foot in Godric’s Hollow. And it worked. Seventeen years later, Great Britain lives in fear under the fierce rule of Lord Voldemort and his Minister for Magic, Peter Pettigrew. Pureblood and Halfblood young men and women must attend the Slytherin Academy between age sixteen and twenty one. If they or their parents resist, they, along with their Muggleborn yearmates, will be taken by force and made to work as servants in the castle.

It's 1999, and outside of the Academy, those who oppose Voldemort are gathering. The Outsiders. But how long will this new resistance last, when Lord Voldemort has eyes everywhere?

Available Characters include: Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow, Charlie Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Colin Creevey, Seamus Finnegan, Hannah Abbott and many more!

Warning: This game contains dark and mature themes.

Click here to see our video ad! )
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[May. 25th, 2010|01:26 pm]

Interesting things happen in the dark

A Vampire Diaries Community

Wanted: Stefan, Bonnie, Caroline and anyone!

When most of the characters are filled we will accept OCs

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[May. 25th, 2010|07:07 pm]

the home of second chances.

Haven’t you ever wished for a second chance in life? Wished for a chance to start over, a chance to get away from the problems in your life? If so, Fortune city is the place for you! A sprawling metropolis, Fortune city gives everyone a second chance. All you need do is wish for it.

Incidentally, wishing is how people tend to arrive in Fortune City. You could be going about your everyday business when you idly wish for a change or you could be running for your life and wishing for a way to escape, it doesn’t matter. As quickly as the thought enters your head, you could find yourself wandering the streets of Fortune City.

Getting here is easy. Leaving is another story.

Don’t worry though, the city will take care of you. The city understands how confusing it can be to arrive somewhere new without any clue as to how you got there. That’s why when you arrive you’re given an information packet that not only tells you why you’re here but also where you’ll live and even provides you with a credit card & a phone. The city just wants to make sure you’re happy during your stay. After all, the city needs you.

Just be careful though. The city is not as safe as it looks.

|Full Premise|Rules|FAQ|Taken|

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