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June 28th, 2009

[Jun. 28th, 2009|12:22 am]



Every version of the story is different. The conversations, the tiny details; they're all told in their own way, with different twists and turns and points delivered to properly execute the tale. The story has changed over time, repeatedly leading those belonging to different cultures with opposing beliefs clashing over the subject for hundreds upon hundreds of years. In the end, however, the story never really matters. It's the name, the significance, the idea of what he represents that strikes nothing short of pure terror into the heart of man.

Lucifer. The fallen.

As the angels tell it, it was his refusal to bow to humanity that brought on his fate. He believed that the angels were better, finding God's favoritism toward the mortal beings that walked the earth to be nothing short of distasteful. In turn, Lucifer chose to rebel by wickedly twisting a human into a demon. Rather than bringing forth the change in order as he had hoped, Lucifer instead found himself being punished by God for his disobedience. Delivered from the heavens, Lucifer was forced into a new home - a seemingly impenetrable cage trapped within the fiery depths of Hell. Six hundred seals bound Lucifer to his cage. Six hundred. Only sixty-six, if done correctly, would be required to break in order to free Lucifer from damnation.

Thousands of years later, as prophesied, a righteous man shed blood in Hell. Against the torment that found him in the pits, Dean Winchester began to crumble. The very first seal was quick to follow, breaking the pathway to all others like it open to those who sought to free the fallen from his chains at last. Demons began to rise up, led by Lilith - Lucifer's First, the very human that he twisted into a demonic form that brought forth his own downfall - to break the seals. At the same time, perhaps the first in thousands of years, angels too began to route themselves toward the seals to oppose any and all who dared attempt to destroy them. A silent battle, unknown to most of humanity, waged on between the angels and demons.

In the middle of it all, stood two brothers. Each with a role to play, both with the best of intentions at heart. With the angels pushing at one side and a demon guiding the other, the Winchester brothers, too, fought against the demons, steadily gunning their way toward Lilith. The Winchesters were key players in the struggle between Heaven and Hell. That had been anticipated from the beginning. What no one expected was for the impossible to occur: while bordering a little ways short of the halfway point, Lilith destroyed the thirtieth seal and, upon doing so, unknowingly shattered a barrier between worlds.

Soon afterward, people from those worlds began to appear out of thin air.

♦ ♦ ♦

[info]wariscoming is a Panfandom RPG that takes place within the universe of the Supernatural fandom. The game is based on the story arc of the fourth season, post all of the events that have occurred after episode twelve (Criss Angel Is A Douchebag).

This is a brand NEW game with plenty of characters available. You do not need to have an extensive knowledge of the Supernatural to join, so long as you take a moment to check out the FAQS to gain a better understanding on how things work in game!


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Endless Epitaph: A Multi-Fandom supernatural and horror rp. [Jun. 28th, 2009|01:24 am]



Endless Epitaph




Taken Characters
Wanted Characters
Player Contact
The world is a simple place. It just happens to be filled with the supernatural. Demons, vampires, magic, angels, good, evil. But through it all one thing stays constant. The world is a cosmic game board between Heaven and Hell. Hell has its influence everywhere, guided by Lucifer's hand. Heaven's armies battle Hell's, while most humans are blind to the fact their existence could change with one lost fight. While Hell has it's share of demons and other evils, Heaven has its champions. It's Chosen. The war is on going and woven so deep into the fabrics of life that many of these individuals remain unaware of each other. Many think they are alone, but in reality they are not. Many prefer to work alone but there are situations that won't allow it. Through it all, beings are trying to exist. To live. To rule.

The world continues on. Battles fought. Battles won. Battles lost. Heroes and villains come and go. Life evolves. Though the board can change, the game will forever continue.

So what kind of person are you? Are living or are you fighting?

Endless Epitaph is a multi-fandom game set in a world where horror and the supernatural are prevalent. Buffy Summers is slaying vampires, the Ghostbusters are busting ghosts, Winchesters are hunting demons, witches are hording power, and everyone is fighting to save the world, to end it, or just to get through the day.

Game Status: In progress.

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[Jun. 28th, 2009|07:44 am]





History 2009-2020
World Map in 2020
Character Directory
Taken/Held/Banned PBs

An adult original RPG

In 2020, after humanity's birthrates have dropped off and eventually ceased completely, mankind has found itself on the Threatened Species List. The Third World War has only cut down their numbers even further, now only 2 billion souls continue to live on the planet.

The ReGenesis Corporation is offering the key to a possible solution. They have invited healthy individuals to apply for their drug trial to test newly created fertility and libido enhancing drug cocktails. During a contracted period of four years, those chosen to join the Erogenesis Project will live in the lap of luxury, in their isolated paradise resort.

Unlimited sex, with other willing individuals, great food and plush lodgings in a war torn world. What more could they ask for?

GAME BEGINS Monday, June 15, 12AM EST

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