Advertise your dark role playing games here. - April 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Advertise your dark role playing games here.

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April 7th, 2009

[Apr. 7th, 2009|12:01 am]
Brief Premise!

The supernatural, once plentiful and awash across the earth, were forced into hiding by the first hero. Science became the ally of the mysterious: rational thought explained away every myth, cloaking them in the shadow of ignorance. Their hiding place was not secure, however: A secret league from the olden times still existed. It was their job to make sure that the mystic stayed hidden from the rest of the world. And for hundreds of years, they succeeded, and supernatural numbers continued to dwindle. But some found the methods of the league old fashioned, and out dated in comparison with what modern technology could bring. These members were more intrigued with discovering mythical secrets. And so, construction began, and another threat had emerged. One hidden behind a dazzling new city, and a state of the art facility meant to maintain it. For as long as necessary.

And that's why you've woken up here.

Trapped by an insidious wall in a peculiar, but deadly town, filled with eccentric people that disappear in the middle of the night, never to be seen again, and buildings that periodically close down, trapping their inhabitants. Danger, both visible, and invisible, is waiting patiently to consume you on the next given opportunity, and the people here have something they're not telling.

Welcome to Aresville, we hope you survive your stay.
Opens on April 20th, or when we get 13 characters!
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[Apr. 7th, 2009|12:32 am]

An epidemic of organ failures leads millions to their deaths. What follows is nothing less of chaos. With thousands of people dying off daily, graveyards and cemetaries become over populated. Mass burial grounds are placed beneath cities to keep up with the death toll.

Out of all the tragedy a savior emerges.

A company fitfully being called GeneCo offers transplants, 'replacements' and genetic alteration without failure. What's even better? GeneCo offers "organ financing". Cheating death, people are finally able to recieve their surgeries without fear of dying...for now. )

conceptrules & faqtaken & heldwantedapplicationthreads & logs geneco networkoocconact listfriends button

WANTED: Anything and Everything. This is a panfandom RPG set in REPO!verse. All characters from all sorts of fairy tales, comic books, animes, cartoons, TV shows, movies, etc. you name it, we want it!
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[Apr. 7th, 2009|07:04 am]
[info]taintedsaints A few suggestions: That annoying happy couple that is so sickeningly sweet it makes people want to hurl? It'd be nice to see them peachy on the outside and seriously screwed up behind closed doors. Also, we would like a student (or two) who is/are either using drugs or that could be swayed by our own [info]troy_vanderbilt. A class clown, this guy is always cutting up and usually pulling pranks. He spends more time in Provost [info]bascle's office than he does class. A wicked (young) step mother who is sexy and a staff member for our [info]ethan_shaw. The kid that's new to money and doesn't exactly know how to handle it. This boy is headed for trouble if he doesn't slow down. A masculine/father like staff influence for our [info]c_robinson A handsome and charming music/drama teacher for us all to love/hate. Lastly, a thrill junkie? That could be interesting. Of course any other completely taboo or dark story would be welcome.

Please see [info]es_elle_es for more information or to post a character for consideration.

To catch the next round of adds, have your application in by 10PM Wednesday the 8th.
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AThinBlackLine, a Gladiator X-men game [Apr. 7th, 2009|07:35 pm]
Welcome to Revolve
After the death of Charles Xavier, Revolve became the home for all mutants, whether they liked it or not. Mutants are stripped of their rights, fitted with collars and forced to fight for the amusement of the world's elite. Their days are spent training for matches, working at the island's amusement park, serving human guests and dreaming of some day getting enough money to buy their freedom.
What would you do? Would you play the game? Fight the system? Start a revolution? Plot your escape?
The future of mutantkind rests in your hands.
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