Dark Christianity
.::: .::..:.::.:.

May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
This is how it Begins

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]cheap_laugh)

The Coming GOP Purge

Immediately after the Mark Foley scandal broke, some anti-Republican gay-rights activists composed a memo containing the names of closeted gay Republican Congressional staffers and sent it to leading Christian-right advocacy groups. The founder and chairman of one of those groups, the Rev. Don Wildmon of the American Family Association, told me he has received that memo, which he referred to simply as "The List." Based on The List's contents, Wildmon is convinced that a secretive gay "clique" boring within the Republican-controlled Congress is responsible for covering up Foley's sexual predation toward teenage male House pages. Moreover, Wildmon calls on the Republican Party leadership to promptly purge the "subversive" gay staffers.

They have a "Little List" .. How much you want to bet that it contains the names of every GOP ocngresscritter who opposes the AFA, FotF and other "Christian Values" Organizations...

Current Mood: cold
dogemperor [userpic]
Why I get the newsmax emails

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]cheap_laugh)

So I can keep tabs:

I received this appeal from wingnut Allen Keys to donate to RANDALL TERRY

TODAY, I will board a plane and fly into the epicenter of one of the most critical and hotly contested campaigns in the nation.

And I'm asking you to join me.

AND... I want to tell you about a new technology being used in this race, that could GUARANTEE victory -- IF you help out!

What technology? the Sftj page doesn't say

I'm talking about the race between nationally known conservative leader Randall Terry, and the ultra left-wing State Senator Jim King.

Both are Republicans -- Randall Terry in heart and soul, Jim King in name only.

Before I say one more word in this urgent letter, I beg you to make a critical gift RIGHT NOW of at least $15 or more to help my good friend Randall Terry crush his liberal opponent in a vital political campaign in Florida</blockquote>

Terry is running against another Republican.

The donation letter has the scary sounding bold faced all caps:


It is actualy a panic driven email. If enough wish, I will post it so some good political practical jokes may be played....

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