Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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Texas considering accrediting Creationism school


I don't think this needs much comment.


I noted this on the LJ Dark Christianity as well, but this puts the educational prospects of *all* Texans at serious risk, even those who aren't educated by creationists.

Among other things, at least one poster did bring up the real possibility this will end up with the de facto decertification of Texas school systems--or possibly the system statewide--as far as transfers of credit for high school and secondary schooling *outside* of Texas is concerned.

For starters, many high schools (at least for public schools) require study of at least the basics of evolutionary science; there is at least one state-level university system (the University of California) which has instituted a system-wide policy that it will *not* accept students educated solely on multiple dominionist curricula programs (any schools certified by ACSI--a dominionist accreditation mill servicing dominionist private schools and home education programs--as well as students educated via Bob Jone University, A-Beka, or ACE/School of Tomorrow curricula) due to the lack of proper science education in these programs including specifically evolutionary science (the "science" courses as well as those in math and history are not accepted as credit, and persons taught using these curricula are essentially required to get GEDs to enroll in college as it's felt that so much remedial education would be required as to essentially require them to take high school and even middle school level courses all over again).

Other schools have considered policies similar to those in the University of California system; in addition, it's likely that if a student moves (to another state) they may be required to take remedial science courses as their credits may not transfer (which could well result in kids being essentially required to be in summer school to graduate, thereby making them "at risk" students). This also potentially effects other programs, too; foreign exchange programs could be put at risk (with Texas students essentially disqualified due to the poor level of their schooling and exchange programs being unwilling to send students to Texas host families), as can international baccalaureate programs (there is at least one international baccalaureate school association in Texas; IB schools use an advanced curriculum, and IB students tend to get top collegiate placement). Things like high-school level science fairs and Odyssey of the Mind, etc. could be things of the past due to the Texas school system essentially embracing creationism.

In addition to all this, this also opens up a door to explicit promotion of dominion theology in schools. Dover School Board vs. Pennsylvania revealed the "Wedge Document" which noted that promotion of "intelligent design" was designed from the get-go as a backdoor way of dominionist-ising public schools; in addition, pretty much *all* of the available curricula promoting "intelligent design" and creationism is of an explicitly dominionist viewpoint (even Catholic schools do not promote young-earth creationism; all of the available material is explicitly from either a fundamentalist Baptist or neopentecostal viewpoint, and most from the latter at that).