Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]minnesattva)

I know this evolution stuff has been done to death, but I found this article irresistable.

Not because of stuff like this: "Evolution is just a theory and there are other theories," Mummert explained, smiling through his beard. (Just a theory, indeed! This is what happens when the casual vernacular misappropriates a scientific term with a precise meaning. The common use of theory for what should really be hypothesis drives me crazy, because it's precisely that which allows people to say that evolution is "just" a theory. Theories are testable, they can be proven wrong, and they're only valid until they are. "Intelligent design" is no theory at all! Sorry, that's a rant that's not needed here; I'd be preaching to the choir. So to speak.)

Because of stuff like this: "We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture," he said. Rarely have I so hoped a Christian extremist is telling the truth as I did when I read that sentence.