Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Just found this ..

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lihan161051)

Just came across this article in the Feb 2007 issue of Time magazine:

It's easy to support the goal: helping women facing an unplanned pregnancy. What critics challenge are the means, the information these centers give, the methods they use and the costs they ignore. Even among pro-life activists, there's an argument about emphasis: Do you focus on fear and guilt, to make choosing an abortion harder, or on hope and support, to make "choosing life" easier? Either way, the pregnancy-center movement takes the fight over abortion deep inside some of the most intimate conversations a woman ever has.

Gave me *some* hope, at least, although the tone of the article was a little less critical than I'd have liked and it glossed over some connections to Focus on the Family and a few other known dominionist orgs. I thought the emphasis on the fact that "crisis pregnancy center" anti-abortion activity is largely out of sight and out of mind was kind of encouraging, in that Time, at least, seems to understand why that's more than a little disturbing. I'd like to see more articles like that, and it's worth encouraging the media to publish and broadcast more of them.

And after hearing about a story that essentially proves segregationist racism is alive and well in this country, a little hope was very much needed ..