Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Dominionists honor Roy Moore under Confederate Flag

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]wyldraven)

From JewsOnFirst: Christian Right Gathering Honors Deposed Alabama Judge Roy Moore -- Under a Confederate Flag

[...] Leaders of the hardcore Christian right gathered under a Confederate flag in Maryland on July 3rd to honor Roy Moore, the deposed Alabama Supreme Court chief justice. That flag, and those present beneath it, concatenated Christian nationalism and Southern irredentism.

The day's honors included the naming of an athletic field after Moore, the unveiling of a "Marylandized" Ten Commandments "monument" -- nearly identical to the one that Moore famously installed in his Alabama courthouse -- and the presentation to Moore of a cake decorated as a replica of the Alabama monument.

In his acceptance speeches Moore repeatedly called for the "sovereignty of God in this country" and for the acknowledgement of God as the source of the laws of the United States. At one point he engaged in some religious bigotry.

Alabama and the federal government removed Moore from office in 2003 after he refused court orders to remove the Ten Commandments monument from the courthouse. The incident made him a hero of the religious right. [...]
This part really got to me.
Michael A. Peroutka, who was the 2004 presidential candidate of the far-right Constitution Party and a supporter of Roy Moore's fight to remain Alabama's chief justice, emcee'd the ceremony.

Toward the end, apropos of nothing apparent, Peroutka referred to the Confederate flag, as "the American flag."

"Behind you," he said, gesturing to the three flags flanking the stage, "you see the Maryland flag, the Alabama flag and the American Flag." The last was a reference to the Confederate Flag.
Does he really believe that? These people are just scary.