Dark Christianity
.::: .::..:.::.:.

May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
I think God loves Fags. At least the evidence seems to point that way.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]evil_genius)

So I'm watching this Phelps family report that got posted a few days ago, and a few questions have come to mind.

First, the Phelps family looks to be rather large. Dozens of kids from several couples all living in a large compound. Several automobiles (at least 8) and all of those mouths to feed. This group must run through a ton of cash. Who the hell pays these people? Who would hire a member of this family????? And who would work with, or buy from, a company that hires a member of the Phelps family???

Second, the central message seems to be God hates fags. Past that though they add that the US and other countries that condones homosexuality legally or socially are doomed.
It seems to me if this is God's will, he has an odd way of showing it.
A quick check of the Wikipedia's GDP per capita list shows a rather obvious trend. Western homosexually tolerant countries seem to be doing a whole lot better (at least financially) than their more fag hating counterparts, with few exceptions.
Of the top 22 countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita are all quite tolerant of homosexuals. With the two exceptions of Qatar and Singapore. Who incidentally add up to less than 1% of the population of those 22 countries :).

Another interesting little coincidence shows up at the bottom of the GDP list.
With few exceptions the countries that occupy the 50 poorest nations are the worst places in the world to be gay. The vast majority having laws forbidding homosexual activity(many carrying the death penalty). Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Tajikistan, Pakistan, etc. These are not place you are likely to see a gay pride parade anytime soon.

While I was looking through the top GPD's I came across some information regarding Ireland. Apparently Homosexuality was only finally decriminalized in 1993. Apparently the push to decriminalize had been underway since the 70's but only really picked up steam in the late 80's. (more info on that here)
Then I found this rather coincidental graphic:

Note: The fist major upswing in the late 80's followed by a second in surge in 1993.

I'm not going to go off on some kind of correlation causation tangent. But it's awfully coincidental.

It seems that if God does indeed hate fags, he certainly has an odd way of showing. By making many of the most tolerant countries in the world the most pleasant places to live. While simultaneously keeping those who persecute fags and presumably do his will living in some of the dankest shit holes on earth. Like Kansas(hehe).

(for the record I know that I've got my cart before my horse in this argument. It's the freaking Phelps family. It's not like a solid argument would actually work on them anyway)