Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Pentacle OK'd on headstones

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]exotic_princess)


MADISON, Wis. - The Wiccan pentacle has been added to the list of emblems allowed in national cemeteries and on government-issued headstones of fallen soldiers, according to a settlement announced Monday.

A settlement between the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Wiccans adds the five-pointed star to the list of "emblems of belief" allowed on VA grave markers.

Eleven families nationwide are waiting for grave markers with the pentacle, said Selena Fox, a Wiccan high priestess with Circle Sanctuary in Barneveld, Wis., a plaintiff in the lawsuit.

Click link for the rest of the article.

Headstones in illinois

This is a great article. I'm glad the government is open to allowing any religious belief be on headstones. We should be able to carry our beliefs with us to our grave and beyond. I have actually seen a few headstones in Illinois (http://www.impressivecasket.com/headstones.html) with the pentacle on it. I thought it was interesting.


Thanks for this. I need to find a good deal on a headstone in chicago (http://www.elmwoodcaskets.com/monuments.htm).