Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Interesting recording of religious interference at USAF Academy


Jews on First has a link to a recording of a leader of a fundementalist Christian faculty group who is disparaging investigation of religious coercion at Air Force Academy. It's quite interesting. Link to Quicktime MP3 recording

Mikey Weinstein is the individual being discussed in the early part of this recording. He runs the Military Religous Freedom Foundation which is dedicated to "ensuring that all members of the United States Armed Forces fully receive the Constitutional guarantees of religious freedom to which they and all Americans are entitled by virtue of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment."

From Jews on First:

The leader of a fundamentalist Christian faculty organization at the U.S. Air Force Academy brushed off the headline-grabbing investigation of religious coercion by the school's faculty, attributing the probe to complaints by one individual. In a presentation to a Campus Crusade for Christ faculty conference last June, Air Force Academy Professor James Pocock assured his audience that, absent an activist individual, an investigation of religious intolerance was unlikely at their schools.

Pocock then went on to detail how successfully the Christian Leadership Ministries (CLM), which he leads at the Academy, has organized the faculty and staff -- and how important it is to proselytize at the school.

CLM is the faculty arm of Campus Crusade for Christ.