Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Notes on Ann Coulter talk

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]jehovahsfitness)

As I promised. Most of it is the run of the mill conservative axe-grinds, so I won't bother to discuss them here. Quotes are direct quotes, unless I transcribed incorrectly. Italics are my opinions. Hopefully knowledge of the Christian Right's simplistic and pedantic, yet obviously enticing talking points will help us fight the good fight:

Blames the ACLU The ACLU has defended many freedom of speech cases in favor of evangelicals and fundamentalists

"Liberalism is the opposition party to God"

Wait, did she just say "drinking liqueur with my right-wing friends"? And they call them the "wine and cheese liberals"... *eyeroll*

"Godless" tears up evolution theory. And this information is being stifled. Many scientists "know Darwinism is a crock" Most of the scientists defending Darwinism are "barely even scientists, they're biologists."

Encouraging audience of college Republicans to teach in public schools: "We must enter their temples and destroy them. They did it to the Episcopal church."

Liberals believe sexual preference is biological "on faith" but not pedophilia, ergo hypocrisy. "According to them Darwinism should have selected out gayness." According to Darwinism reproduction should only be asexual.

Suggested putting rat poison in Justice Stevens creme brulee. Top-down conspiracy vis-a-vis Supreme Court.

"It's always the blue states oppressing the red states."

"We can't out-lawyer them [liberals]. They have the whole Harvard law team behind them." Fox news "shined a light on them." "That is what TV accomplished." Liberals prefer court system because people can't see what's going on.

ACLU opposing "moment of silence" When has that ever happened?

Coulter fan of Schlafly. Compares Schlafly to McCarthy. Fan of McCarthy?! And they call liberals unpatriotic...

She's using a lot of the circular reasoning she accuses liberals of. So frustrating!

"The Constitution is he most brilliant, freedom-promoting document..." Then why are you trying to destroy it?

"There's no such thing as conservative judicial activism." It would be fun to do it, to show the liberals what it's like.

"John Adams the most Christian Founding Father" I wonder if she knows he was Unitarian?

Adult stem cell research vs. embryonic stem cell research. Think I got that right. Never heard of it.

"If science discriminates, they oppose it."

"Most conservatives have more children than liberals have sex after 5 years of marriage." Scary, if true.

DeToqueville said Americans tie idea of freedom to belief in God.

"Treason Times" = "New York Times" in Coulterese. Avoids reading. Only responds to NY Times. So we have newspaper op-ed writers squawking at each other. No wonder political discourse in this country is in the state is it...

Keeps refering to evolution as "Darwinism." Evolution theory has, uh, evolved a lot since Darwin first proposed it.

Lesbian couple in first gay marriage in Mass now divorced.