Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Waiting for the Rapture

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]horvendile)

Jill Sobule has a song that is written to a Dominionist that I think people here would appreciate.

Waiting for the Rapture

by Jill Sobule

What if I’m right and you’re not correct
And there’s no hell fire when we are dead
Regretting, all the boys you could of kissed
All for nothing, it wasn’t a sin

You were busy getting ready for the rapture, warning us all

Whatif I‘ve been a really nice gal, followed the golden rule butnow,because I don’t believe in your best pal, you say I’ll burn forever
So let’s say that he’s real, but not like you sell
He’s more like the nice hippie in Godspell
Well, I’d think that he was swell, would that bum you out

So, I’ll give to you that there is a god
All powerful, he sees it all
But do you think that he’s that small
To care about your candidate or your football team or who you mate. No god is great

What if you’re wrong, but then so am I
And what really happens when we die
And what if L Ron Hubbard he was right
That would bum me out