Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Rise of the "Dominionistas"


Karl Schwarz, who is a conservative Christian Republican, and damn proud of it, is the author of a very interesting website that talks about a lot of things- particularly the direction that our country is currently headed under the current administration. Today, however, he took aim at what he calls the "Christian Dominionistas", who are destroying the US to serve their faith.

Here are some excerpts:

I have decided that our American lexicon needs a new word - Dominionistas, noun, plural, definition - groups whose religious beliefs obstruct critical thinking on matters of fairness, equity, Christ-like qualities, confusion between goodness and sin; cultists; persons of Neocon beliefs, fascists, persons of narrow mindedness.

The commentary today is yet another open letter to Christian Dominionistas who need to step away from the Kool-aid and have a long talk with God and Jesus Christ about what Christianity is, and more importantly - what Christianity is not. They might as well call themselves Zionist Christians, for some erroneously do and do not "get it" when myself or anyone else explains to them that Zionist Christians is in fact an oxymoron, or two words that have no business being used together. Sort of like "jumbo shrimp", or "military intelligence", or "Bush Compassionate Conservatism" being just three operative examples of what to look for when seeking an example of an oxymoron.

Most Christians do not "get it" when it is explained that there is a massive movement in Judaism, simply named Jews Against Zionism, fighting to rid their religion of Zionist. Many Christians just do not get it that the term Zionist can be pushed to such an extreme that it is a substitute word for fascist. It has happened in Judaism and it is happening in Christianity and neither are "religious based movements". They are based on evil, greed, power, domination; all things that are quite Un-Christ-like. They are "cults" in their sheerest definition[1] and are not God and Christ centered, they are people, power and greed centered. They call wrong right and right wrong. "This article provides more information that demonstrates that far from being the saviors of the Jewish People, the Zionists are the true self-hating Jews who have had nothing but contempt and outright hatred for the Jewish People and Judaism.[2] This article proves that anti-Semitism has been the oxygen and lifeblood of the Zionists throughout the ages to the present day.


The website TheocracyWatch.org also provides interesting reading on this phenomenon of Christians who suddenly think that globalization, warmongering, liars in power, dead and maimed soldiers due to those lies, and the sheer corruption in DC is "okay" because the overall objectives of conquering the world for Christ, by the shock and awe technique so to speak, is what they are after. They just don't get it that such actions prove beyond a doubt the shallowness or absence of Christianity in them, not that they are somehow "Super Christians".

They don't seem to grasp that their conduct is not Christian; it is pure, unadulterated fascism.

"The twin surges of Christians into GOP ranks in the early 1980s and early 1990s have begun to bear fruit, as naive, idealistic recruits have transformed into savvy operatives and leaders, building organizations, winning leadership positions, fighting onto platform committees, and electing many of their own to public office."

It would be helpful if these Far Right Dominionistas woke up and realized that such was the groundwork for Hitler's takeover of Germany, but then they would have to admit that they are not Christians, there are mere Neocons that are neo-conning all of us and they are Dominionista Fascists. They would have to come clean in the Christian sense of that concept and that would unseat them from the power and ill-gotten gain they covet.

The terms "Christian Conservative" used together are misnomers and for describing some of the Far Right, actually yet another oxymoron. Most Christians I know, both lay and clergy, believe the dominionist movement is an aberration of Christianity [much like Zionism is to Judaism] and the movement is anything but conservative in nature, tone, or deeds.


Dominionistas also seek radical change, not on what the Bible says or what Christ would do, but the "Dominionista interpretation" of what the Bible says. That is one of the ways to spot a cult, that the theology is based not on Christ principles but on the interpretation of a person here on Earth[5] and not within the historical guidelines and theology of Christianity. Some of the most whacked out things I have ever heard recently did not come out of the mouths of the shrill Liberal Left, the words and ideas came out of Dominionistas on the Far Right that have a long way to go to even be marginal Christians. "George Grant[6], was Executive Director of Coral Ridge Ministries for many years and is a dominionist author and educator. He wrote in The Changing of the Guard, Biblical Principles for Political Action:

"'Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.'

"But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice. It is dominion we are after. Not just influence. It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time. It is dominion we are after. World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel. And we must never settle for anything less... Thus, Christian politics has as its primary intent the conquest of the land -- of men, families, institutions, bureaucracies, courts, and governments for the Kingdom of Christ. (pp. 50-51)"

Well, it seems Mr. Grant needs to go back and take Civics 101 to get a better handle on why the separation of church and state is such a fundamental right of every person in this nation, including the fundamental, God given right to not be under the heel of overzealous Christians or other pseudo-Christian Dominionistas that have gone off the deep end. He also needs to show me the "real estate title section" of the Bible relating to World Conquest as a Christian imperative, for it does not exist.


In the words of the Christian Coalition field director, Bill Thomson[8], the "leftist" foes should be destroyed:

"You're going to run over them. Get around them, run over the top of them, destroy them - whatever you need to do so that God's word is the word that is being practiced in Congress, town halls and state legislatures. That's your job."

These Dominionist Christians would do well to take an in-depth course on the Biblical chapter of Revelations to get a better understanding that when there is a Second Coming of Christ, he will then have authority over all Nations, and then and only then will he be the King of Kings on earth and over all Nations. At this point in time, demanding, pushing, intimidating, bullying, etc to "hold title to all things" are being anything and everything but a Christian in the truest sense of the word. They are being hedonists and pagans in some very sinful ways and only pretending to be Christian. Furthermore, when that day comes ñ democracy is an irrelevant concept.

There is nothing in the Bible that teaches that Christians are to conquer the world, plunder it, and when the Second Coming of Christ happens we are to deliver it by quitclaim deed to the Son of God. If one digs deep enough to understand what "religious cult" means, these Dominionist are in fact a religious cult[9] that is operating way outside of what the Bible teaches and what the Bible means.

God and his Son Jesus Christ do not need the Dominionistas to twist government policy into a warped sense of Imperialism, greed and world conquest, and while doing so wrap up sheer evil and fascism as if it were a Godly act. In fact, the Bible is full of warnings about such people but they conveniently overlook those passages that clearly show that DOMINION IS GOD'S, not the Dominionista's right of entitlement as an erroneous reading or application of the Word.

God has no need for any Christian to "pave the way" for the Second Coming and any evangelist that presumes to know the mind of God, the Will of God and teaches such things to their flocks is what the Bible warned of ñ i.e. False Prophets. Instruments of Satan that are to be shunned and not followed, yet these Dominionistas are bound and determined to have us all living under the heels of their Fascist Dominionista boots.

That is not American and such conduct is a long way from being Christian. They just don't want you to know that.

It is time for all Americans to wake up for there are huge problems ahead for this nation and gay marriage and abortion are not what is about to put this nation under.

Let me repeat that the author is himself a conservative Christian, and he can see the hypocracy clear as day. If he and others like him are hollering 'fraud!', you know that there is something serious afoot.
