Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
'Intelligent Design'

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]juno_domina)

LOL- I didn't expect to be posting here very often, but here's another thing from 'The Age' (Melbourne newspaper). Evidently, our Education Minister Brendan Nelson (famous for raising our HECS fees - ie. the amount we pay for courses, subsidised by the government, and also introducing legislation to make Student Unionism voluntary- meaning most students won't pay, and we'll lose the majority of our services), has decided that it will be fine to teach intelligent design as part of school syllabus.

INtelligent Design an Option

This is what I meant by the influence of American politics on Australia, given that it seems to be following from similar calls (and decisions) in the States. I don't have a huge stance against teaching 'intelligent design', just so long as it is taught within the Religous Studies syllabus, not that of Science.