Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]
Supreme Contradiction

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]yinepuhotep)

The good folks at tompaine.com have posted an interesting column on the Family Research Council and its "Justice Sunday" event this coming Sunday.

From the column:

It has become fashionable to say that the court is demonstrating hostility toward faith when it prevents the government from promoting faith for us. But those who make this argument are either ignorant of or willfully blind to the rationales expressed in Supreme Court precedent in this area. The court traditionally has refused to promote or to interfere with religion not because it is anti-religious, but because it wants to leave people free to make choices in matters of faith and to ensure that religious people and organizations may worship as they see fit, rather than as the government sees fit. Further, anyone who suggests that the court has scrubbed religion from the public square is inexplicably missing the rich religious landscape all around us—a landscape that has thrived in the midst of the Supreme Court’s so-called “hostility” toward religion.

Current Mood: thoughtful