Dark Christianity
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May 2008
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dogemperor [userpic]

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]allisburning)

I've been posting the following summary of "The Theocratic Threat 101" to various communities here on LJ. Probably more than half of the responses have been "that's ridiculous" "that's just paranoia" "that's just partisanship" and, perhaps most frequently, "that's just another crackpot conspiracy theory".

Any ideas on how we can more effectively reach/alert people?
Other comments?


I keep running across people who aren't familiar with this stuff yet.

There are people in the USA who want to execute or enslave those who disagree with their religious views.

They have been gaining increasing political power for the last few decades.

It is quite possible that they may gain control of the government.

Unfortunately, this is not paranoia or conspiracy theories. This is straight factual reporting, much of it "in their own words".

Please take a look at these articles.

"Christian Reconstructionism, Dominion Theology and Theonomy"

"America the Theocracy"

"The Despoiling of America"

If anybody's interested, I can give you more links.

Frankly, I don't particularly care if anybody comments here or not.

But everyone who reads this should know what's going on, what they think about it, and what they might want to do about it.

