Sunday, January 27th, 2008

100 Prompts: #78, Beginning (Eric Hawthorne)

Title: Just One Drink
Characters: Eric Hawthorne, with mentions of both Melissa and Virginia.
Setting: late 2003, the Hawthorne family estate on Auveria
Word Count: 250
Summary: The beginning of Eric's slip into alcoholism, following his second failed wedding.
Rating: TV-MA for drinking and swearing
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #78: Beginning.

He was alone again. )
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General Fic: I Will Always Love You (Eric Hawthorne)

Title: I Will Always Love You
Characters: Eric Hawthorne, with mentions of Virginia Westin
Setting: 2006-ish, the Hawthorne family estate on Auveria
Word Count: 919
Summary: On a cold winter's night, Eric reflects on the love he lost, and everything that happened between them.
Rating: TV-MA for mentions of drinking and allusions to sex.
Author's Note: Lyrics are from the song "Love Song" as done by several different artists.

However far away, I will always love you. )
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