Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

25 Flavors: Chart

25 Flavors of ... )
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25 Flavors: #23, Christmas (Margaret Kenmore-Smith)

Title: Baby's First Christmas
Characters: Margaret (Kenmore) Smith, Demetrius Smith, and ickle baby Zacharias Smith
Setting: Their house; Christmas morning, 1980
Word Count: 271
Summary: Well .... it's the baby's first Christmas.
Rating: G
Author's Note: I had to counteract Alya's sad fic with a fuzzy one. :D I'm using this for the 25 Flavors #23 "pick-your-own" prompt, using my own prompt of Christmas.

Ho ho ho. )
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25 Flavors: #6, crying (Margaret Kenmore-Smith)

Title: News
Characters: Margaret (Kenmore) Smith and Demetrius Smith (also a brief mention of Margaret's half-sister Brenna)
Setting: Their house, sometime in 1979.
Word Count: 691
Summary: It's all Dimmy's fault, as always. ;D For the 25 flavors prompt "Crying."
Rating: PG for Kenny's language.
Author's Note: I got nostalgic and wanted to write a Dimmy / Kenny fic. :)

Fine, if you want to be in here I'll go somewhere else, then. )
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25 Flavors: #12, baby (Margaret Kenmore)

Title: A Father's Love
Characters: Bernard Kenmore, with mentions of Cordelia and Margaret
Setting: Mostly Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, 1957; also January 1958; the Kenmore house in Dublin, Ireland with a brief jaunt to the hospital.
Word Count: 1,225
Summary: Why Bernard really gave Margaret up.
Rating: Um. PG, maybe? Her mum dies "off-camera." If that doesn't count, then it's definitely G.
Author's Note: For the 25 Flavors prompt "Baby." Yes it counts, Margaret is a baby in this ficlet! Anyway, with this ficlet, I wanted to explore Bernard's motivations for sending his daughter to live with his mother after the death of his wife. Margaret's view and thoughts regarding this event were often made clear, and we know what her grandmother had told her, but we've never seen Bernard's side. Until now.

He left it to his mother to explain his absence to his daughter. Told her to say whatever she wanted. )
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25 Flavors: #12, baby (Davy Gudgeon)

Title: Father and Son
Characters: Davy Gudgeon, son Jin Gudgeon, and mention of Ji-Eun (Kang) Gudgeon
Setting: Around 1985, Gudgeon family house
Word Count: 516
Summary: While Ji-Eun sleeps, Davy teaches their son The Way of the Gudgeon.
Rating: So G even Mickey Mouse looks R.
Author's Note: For the 25 Flavors prompt "Baby."

Jin burped and smiled, which Davy took as a laugh. )
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