Monday, January 21st, 2008

100 Prompts: #41, Sleepwalk (Verity Bagnold)

Title: Sleepwalker
Characters: Verity Bagnold and unnamed male
Setting: 1997, unnamed male's flat
Word Count: 157
Summary: Why Verity doesn't usually spend the night when she shags someone.
Rating: TV-MA for nudity and mention of shagging?
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #41: Sleepwalk, as requested by [info]sira_ne_biber

The bedroom door creaking open woke Verity in the middle of the night. )
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Sunday, January 20th, 2008

100 Prompts: #23, Arrows (Alexandra Marietta)

Title: Arrows
Characters: Alexandra Marietta, mentions of Buffy and Lana.
Setting: 2000, Rhy'Din
Word Count: 442
Summary: A promotion comes.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #23: Arrows, as requested by [info]sira_ne_biber

Alex did her work. She was a model member of the guild. )
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100 Prompts: #22, Denial (Natalie / Nathaniel Travers)

Title: Don't Go
Characters: Natalie and Nathaniel Travers
Setting: August 31, 1969, the Travers home
Word Count: 225
Summary: It's the night before Nathaniel leaves for his first year at Hogwarts.
Rating: Mm. G or PG? I suck at ratings.
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #22: Denial, as requested by [info]sherlock

Natalie had always been a quiet, obedient young child. )
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Saturday, January 19th, 2008

100 Prompts: #18, Laugh (Marlene McKinnon)

Title: Mud Fights and Laughter
Characters: Marlene McKinnon and Alain Bonheur
Setting: summer 1967, the Bonheur summer residence in France
Word Count: 384
Summary: Marlene and her cousin Alain are having some childhood fun.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #18: Laugh, as requested by [info]khushalecki

Seven-year-old Marly crinkled her nose ... )
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100 Prompts: #15, Green (Alexandra Marietta)

Title: And her eyes were ..
Characters: Alexandra Marietta and her daughter, Laura
Setting: 2002, Rhy'Din
Word Count: 228
Summary: Nine months after having been raped, Alex's daughter is born.
Rating: G? PG?
Author's Note: For the 100 Prompts #15: Green, as requested by [info]sira_ne_biber

It had been a long and hard nine months. )
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Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

100 prompts: chart

Jess is a trendsetter liek woah. 100 prompts, 100 ficlets. Comment with a prompt (include the #, plzkthnx) and one of my characters. :)

Table )
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