 dailyicons - (immortalje)
01:21pm 27/11/2010
immortalje posting in A Daily Icon Challenge
A little pimping for a partner community on dreamwidth that shares our name :)

fandom20in20 on dreamwidth has opened sign ups for Round 9!

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(no subject)
10:24pm 02/12/2010 (UTC)
dani_meows: chess smile
:-D I do the same with some words.

I'm always spelling know as now and now as know and I don't know why.

I think Gran is capitalized because it's a proper noun.

The spelling/typo that I see all the time on FF.net that drives me crazy but also amuses me is clam for calm. I've seen it in multiple fics that someone should clam down or that they were clam.:-D

Now it's time to wake Ian up for his lab practical. I wonder how zombie like he'll be. :-D
picword: chess smile
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(no subject)
10:31pm 02/12/2010 (UTC)

I know mistakes like that stem from their similar sounds. I'm thinking what I want to write - so I write it like it sounds (or the brain picks the word to type based on the sound ;D)

I thought so to - but more because it's a name that refers to a specific person :D
(I learned that in regards to headmaster/deputy headmistress :D)

That's funny :) I've read a lot of rants like that on fanficrants @LJ. Some of the things ranted about just make me go wtf??? It's from spelling problems to Mary Sues to lack of warning to character bashing or ooc-ness. And everything in between :D

Being woken is the worst thing ever - especially if it's about school/work. I think that's the part that makes the zombies - the brain not wanting to deal with school/work :D
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(no subject)
11:19pm 02/12/2010 (UTC)
dani_meows: nai dani love
I've learned that ranting communities are cruel places. :-D

Poor Ian gets to deal with both. First lab and then work until 7:30 am. :-D But it's fun to wake him up. I'm really cheerful about it. Which he puts up with mostly because I give him food and drink. :-P
picword: nai dani love
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