Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Fly drabble

Title: “Through her eyes”
Spoilers: The Fly (1986 remake)
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters or the plot. I’m just borrowing.
Summary: Stathis thinks about his relationship with Ronnie.
A/N: I don’t know how this portrayal of Stathis’ character came up. He’s one of my favourites and that’s just an effort to explain his obsession with Ronnie.

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More Fly fanfiction!

Title: “Birthdays”
Spoilers: The Fly II (1989 remake)
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters or the plot. I’m just borrowing.
Summary: A small drabble set after the second movie. Beth/Martin
Rating: PG

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Fly Fanfiction [because someone had to do it ;-) ]

Title: “Dear Diary”
Spoilers: The Fly (1986 remake)
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters or the plot. I’m just borrowing.
Summary: Seth is changing. Ronnie is waiting for his call, a sign that not all is lost.
A/N: Ronnie always felt to me like the type to keep a diary and one day after watching the movie for the 100th time this small story came up. I really enjoyed writing it. I hope someone might enjoy reading it.
Excuse my mistakes. English isn’t my native language.

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