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[01 Aug 2009|01:51am]
[ music | why the fuck do i suck with typing so much tonight ]

[info]sof, [info]gainsworth and I are looking for a certain line in particular. (Sorry for not quite describing it yet, a little complicated maybe?) All three characters are going to be in the Bay Area, in California. Before I comb through PBADS and the like - anyone interested? There isn't a lot of conforming or molding you'd need to do with your character, just perhaps one detail in particular. So if any one of your characters are nearby and you're potentially interested in this, let me know and I'll tell you the details? Thanks in advance!

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[01 Aug 2009|02:35am]
[info]tegestans help! would you prefer to see brenda song or katie leung here? throw out some lines if you'd like to. what i have for her so far would be that she is recent graduate, not from tegesta, who is going up to nyu. if that gives any lines. let's try and think of something though!
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[01 Aug 2009|10:55am]
Her original post is here

And I'm in total need of lines, so I can get her to be more active! So, this is Chanel Alexander she's been in Key West, since she was little so she knows everyone or at least some people. She's friends with [info]herston , [info]xor, [info]kristalynn, [info]mackelroy, [info]klln, [info]demata

Either way I'm in need of some awesome fun lines!
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[01 Aug 2009|01:39pm]
Can I get some more lines to motivate me?
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[01 Aug 2009|03:30pm]
would any of the faces located here be wanted for anything?
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[01 Aug 2009|09:40pm]
Would Nicholas Lemons be wanted for anything?
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[ viewing | August 1st, 2009 ]
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