Crossing Towns RPG

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June 23rd, 2012

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[Backdated to Matty's Birthday]

Matty gets a nice card from Claire and a mall gift card to spend however he wants! And this t-shirt causeithoughtitwascute.

June 19th, 2012

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In an effort to make it up to the boys that they don't have a dad around, Claire took Jay and Clay out for a special brunch on Sunday morning.

Merv receives: this on a t-shirt and this book.

The card says:


I'm so glad we've grown closer because I would never have gotten to see what a good man and a great father you are. Thank you for all you've done for my little ones, it means the world to me.


Kyle receives: this little plaque and this book.

The card says:


If Jay and Clay can't have a dad of their own, then I'm glad you're in their life. I couldn't ask for a better male influence for them. Thank you always for everything you do for them, you'll never know what it means to all of us.


June 1st, 2012

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Who: Claire Davis and Mervin Melton
What: Dropping buy with treats for a stressed out family
When: Friday evening
Where: The Meltons' house
Warnings: Mervin's Mouth, possibly?

When she didn't know what else to do, she got food )

May 27th, 2012

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(obviously backdated to before all heck broke loose)

From the Davis-Matthews clan, she gets a great big card that says: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEXA!

She also gets all the books Claire has caught her looking at in the store, so she can't even try and use her employee discount on them!

April 28th, 2012

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Who: Lila and Claire
Where: The Tennis Courts
What: Talking before they play?
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

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April 22nd, 2012

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Who: Kyle and Claire
What: Partying!
When: Saturday night
Where: Chez Bonifacio
Warnings: Likely none, they're both fairly well behaved

Sometimes Merv gave her grief about being on 'that side of town', but she enjoyed Kyle's company )

March 23rd, 2012

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Who: Mervin Melton and Claire Davis
What: Flir Chatting! Claire is being paranoid aunt, someone has to keep her sane
When: When the boys are on their 'play date'. :)
Where: Ten-Pin
Warnings: Not much, maybe Merv's mouth, we'll see!

She was trying. It was something. )

February 16th, 2012

More Pressies!

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Claire was not pleased to find Mervin Melton as her secret Valentine! But he did receive a book on football legends, a scarf that kind of obviously matches his eyes, and a coffee sampler pack.

The boys each got a gift card to the mall to spend in whatever store they want.

The Bonifacios got a nice card and a chocolate covered strawberry gift basket.

Alexa got this t-shirt.

January 24th, 2012

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Who: Claire and Jay
What: A serious talk
When: Backdated to the weekend cause it isn't Claire's fault I had a crap week
Where: A nice restaurant the next town over
Rating: Nothing more than a PG

She didn't want to blame Doreen...but she did )

December 25th, 2011

Insert popular Christmas song lyric {here}

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For Claire Davis. )

For Mervin Melton. )

December 20th, 2011

When a bell rings, an angel gets her wings.

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Lauren )

Michelle )

Ty )

Alexa )

Claire and the boys )

Ashfords )

Donaldsons )

Randolphs )

Turners )

Happy Holidays!

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Clay )

Claire )

For financial reasons, Jay gives these small tokens to those he considers friends (or wants to be friends).

Ty )

Juliette, Chloe, Regina, Chelle, Alexa )

Merry Christmas!

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Lauren )

Kyle )

Lauren & Kyle also get a promise in their Christmas card--Ty pledges to spend extra days at home with them each week.

Jonathan )

Michelle )

Alexa )

Mervin )

Brady )

Claire )

Jay & Clay )

Chloe )

Juliette )

Regina )

James )

November 24th, 2011

For Aunt Claire!

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To show their thanks to Aunt Claire, Jay and Clay brought her breakfast in bed (from a restaurant of course).

Yum )

November 18th, 2011

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Who: Lila and Claire
Where: Shakespeares
When: Towards the end of business hours
Why: Lila needs to pick up a copy of the book for bookclub
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

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October 11th, 2011

kyle & open!

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WHO: Kyle Bonifacio & Claire Davis
WHAT: Kyle thinks the town believes he's the resident bad father so he's drowning sorrow in coffee & work.
WHERE: Java Joe's in the central part of town.

Kyle always meant well where his older child was concerned, but often came up short. He was always hard-pressed to explain how they wound up bickering which killed him since he enjoyed looking to books for answers, but there didn't seem to be any easy solutions for this conundrum. Also, though he loathed to admit it, Brady's assertion that Kyle was dismissing Tyler's feelings hurt (mostly because Ty never bothered to correct the wayward Ashford son). He tried talking to Lauren about it, but the conversation turned tense as it usually did when it brought the child from her first marriage into it. Again, Kyle couldn't quite grasp why.

Feeling alone, Kyle decided to head to Java Joe's after a quick dinner with Michelle and Lauren. He spent about 40 minutes doing extra work on his laptop before inundating his Google engine with "dealing with teenagers," "handling teenagers," "fathers and sons" "step-fathers and step-sons," and every other related term that sprung to mind.
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