Crossing Towns RPG

Recent Entries

July 15th, 2012

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Who: Carter and Open
Where: Food court
When: Lunch time
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

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March 25th, 2012

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Who: Regina and Carter
Where: The coffee shop he was talking about ages ago, New York
When: Mid-Afternoon?
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

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December 24th, 2011

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Who: Carter and Open
Where: A park somewhere...
When: Mid morning
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

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December 20th, 2011

When a bell rings, an angel gets her wings.

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Lauren )

Michelle )

Ty )

Alexa )

Claire and the boys )

Ashfords )

Donaldsons )

Randolphs )

Turners )

Dreaming of a white Christmas...

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Regina )

The Ashford, Randolph, and other wealthy families excluding the Bonifacios )

**Lauren & Kyle are "suspiciously" left off the nice list this year.

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose...

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Juliette )

Brady )

Carter )

Lauren & Serena )

Kyle )

Chloe )

James )

Merry Christmas!

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Lauren )

Kyle )

Lauren & Kyle also get a promise in their Christmas card--Ty pledges to spend extra days at home with them each week.

Jonathan )

Michelle )

Alexa )

Mervin )

Brady )

Claire )

Jay & Clay )

Chloe )

Juliette )

Regina )

James )

November 19th, 2011

"Happy Birthday, Carter!"

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Carter's birthday present sat on the floor near the foot of the bed resting on its stand, waiting to be discovered by its new owner.

A red ribbon was wrapped around his present, holding up his birthday card. On the front was a sketch of him and herself. Inside it read in cursive writing:

May you find joy and happiness in your life..
Happy Birthday my dearest older brother! ♥


Happy Birthday, Carter!

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That morning, Carter is greeted with his favorite breakfast in bed, these balloons, a new tennis racket, and several gift cards to his favorite places.

Card reads:

Carter, sweetheart,

We are so proud of you! Enjoy your special day. We love you very much.

Mom and Dad

November 15th, 2011

Backdated to Lucy's Birthday

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A card was left at her spot on the table wishing her a happy birthday as well as a $100 gift voucher to a day spa.

November 6th, 2011

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Who: Carter and Juliette
Where: The Ashford House
What: A spot of tea before he goes off to play golf
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

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