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FIC: Dealing with Detours--Xmen, SG1, SGA Gen. [Sep. 1st, 2008|08:00 pm]

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title: Dealing with Detours
author: lisa roquin
rating: 15+
fandom: Xmen/Stargate SG1/Stargate: Atlantis
characters/pairings: Logan, Gambit, Chamber, Iceman, Storm, SG1 (circa S8) SGA (circa early S1)
disclaimer: all copyrighted characters and their "universes" belong to their respective authors, writers, creators, production companies, producers and long lists of people that are so very much not me. Quite simply, if you recognize it, it isn't mine. No profit made, no harm intended, just having fun.
summary: “Welcome to earth, that was one hell of an entrance, care to tell me what that was?” “Eart’ thought was s’poster go to some ot’er planet?”
warning: nothing out of what could possibly make it onto the shows or into the comics.
author's note: for mymatedave for the birthday goodies
wordcount: 10,200+ (split for length 2pts linked)
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FIC: Situation Normal: All F*cked Up--MCR/Stargate SG1 gen/het 15/mature [May. 6th, 2008|05:12 pm]

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title: Situation Normal: All F*cked Up
author: lisa roquin
rating: 15/mature
fandom: Stargate SG1/My Chemical Romance/McGyver
series/sequel: A Step Out of Time
characters/pairings: Jack Tyler (Clone!Jack), My Chemical Romance/wives, Matt Cortez/Cassie Frasier, SG1+Feretti, McGyver,
disclaimer: all copyrighted characters and their "universes" belong to their respective authors, writers, creators, production companies, producers and long lists of people that are so very much not me. Quite simply, if you recognize it, it isn't mine. No profit made, no harm intended, just having fun.
summary: Yeah, it really was too much to hope for the summer touring season to be uneventful. It really was. Election years, power shifts and god knows what going on elsewhere.
warning: SG1 Canon history through Fragile Balance then AUish
author's note:
word count: 14,800 (2 parts, linked)

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FIC: Damage Control--mature--Bandom/Xmen movieverse [Apr. 29th, 2008|05:16 pm]

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title: Damage Control
author: lisa roquin
rating: Mature
fandom: Bandom/X men Movie verse
series/sequel: Mutant Verse (possibly)
characters/pairings: Brian Schechter/Matt Cortez, My Chemical Romance/wives, The Used, X-men, appearances by Fall Out Boy and Cobra Starship.
disclaimer: all copyrighted characters and their "universes" belong to their respective authors, writers, creators, production companies, producers and long lists of people that are so very much not me. Quite simply, if you recognize it, it isn't mine. No profit made, no harm intended, just having fun. All characters who have real world counterparts are every bit as fictionalized as the copyrighted characters, if Pete Wentz had scales, the pictures would be all over the internet. That should clue you in right there this is completely made up.
summary: The headache that struck the world hit the mutants first, the flatscans second, triggering the manifestation of many latent mutants and stirring up unrest and suspicion world wide. Staff and students of the Xavier Institute aren't the only ones dealing with the immediate fall out. Xavier stumbles right in the midst of one extremely unconventional group and one of his past lessons in what not to do in attempting to contact and recruit a newly emerged Omega-class mutant. Fuck visions of Utopia, they were more worried about hanging on to what they had in the first days of uncertainty after.
warning: slash, het, character death, angst, crude gallows humor, language, reference to past drug abuse. marijuana.
author's note:
Xmen Movieverse--through events of X2, after that veers off AU w/ some comicverse fusion in regards to characters who hadn't shown up in X1 or X2 movies.
word count: ~28,000

part one || part two || part three || part four
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2 Fic links--SG1/MCR, Fairly OddParents/MCR [Feb. 24th, 2008|08:16 am]

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title Navigating Minefields
author: lisa roquin
fandom: Stargate SG1/MCR
rating 15
pairing/characters: Jack Tyler (Clone!Jack)&Gerard Way
disclaimer: MCR has never had a teenage clone of an air force colonel as a roadie. It's safe to assume this is entirely fiction.
summary: It's gruntwork. Anonymous. Simple. Routine. Not where he belongs, but he's not who he once was. It's not so bad, but tonight sucks.

title Cosmo & Wanda's New Fairly OddChild
author: lisa roquin
fandom: Bandom/The Fairly Oddparents
rating CRACK
pairing/characters: Cosmo/Wanda, MCR
summary: Timmy Turner has grown up. Cosmo and Wanda are searching for the perfect kid to watch over next, one that won't grow up so fast, has a good imagination and likes unicorns!
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Fic link: With Bonus Pterodactyl (MCR/Torchwood) [Jan. 15th, 2008|02:58 pm]

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title With Bonus Pterodactyl
author: lisa roquin
fandom: MCR/Torchwood
rating crack, 15ish
pairing/characters: Mikey Way/Jack Harkness
disclaimer: lies, fiction, untrue. completely and totally made up. I know no one, know nothing of their personal lives. I make no claims of knowing much of anything. Nor are any copyrighted character's mine.
summary: There’s a list of things to do someday, Frank declared it covered all of them, including Matt because he was there when it was made. Visiting a Secret Underground Lair can now be checked off.
warning: if the header above this hasn’t scared you off, nothing will. slash.
author notes: one for the don’t even ask files.
word count: 1701
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