Crazy Cooks R Us

InsaneJournal's Cooking Community

September 28th, 2009

Tomato and Tamarind Soup @ 12:03 pm

Current Mood: full

Vegan soup made with onions, tomato, tamarind, and potato/red lentils.

(Recipe under fake LJ-cut)

March 21st, 2008

Welcome to Cooking! @ 03:00 am

Current Mood: full

I'm making several asylums to parallel the ones I enjoyed on LJ. Please feel free to post recipes, recipe questions, general cooking questions, baking questions, photos of your food (as long as it's behind a cut tag, please, to spare people's bandwidth), questions about kitchen equipment, funny cooking stories, anything as long as it has something to do with cooking and isn't a gross-out story. To start things off, I'm going to share my chicken mushroom curry recipe which I perfected the other night and which met with approval from my East Indian friend. Note the tags for this post: all the main ingredients, the prominent spice or spices, the cookware if applicable, the type of cuisine - all of those are tags which are appreciated in any post.

And now, curry!

Chicken Mushroom Curry )

Crazy Cooks R Us

InsaneJournal's Cooking Community