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Owl from the Lawyers of Miss P. Parkinson [Jan. 6th, 2009|09:43 am]
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To Whom It May Concern, The Daily Prophet )
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[Dec. 24th, 2008|06:51 pm]
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A Delivery for all Influential Pureblood Families )

A Delivery for Pansy Parkinson from Draco )

A Delivery for Blaise Zabini and Gregory Goyle from Draco )
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Christmas! [Dec. 24th, 2008|01:59 pm]
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Parcel Owl to Zacharias Smith )

Parcel Owl to Cho Chang )

Parcels sent to Eddie Carmichael, Cai Bradley, Julius Harper, Trystan Robins, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, Sally Anne Perks, Altair Sinastra and other other pureblood kids. )

Presents put under the tree for Cormac McLaggen. )
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[Dec. 18th, 2008|11:52 pm]
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Who: Pansy Parkinson, Clemence Parkinson (NPC), TBC...
When: 19 December, 2001
Where: Parkinson Manor
What: Annual Christmas Gathering
Rating: TBA
Status: Semi-Private/InComplete

P is for Pansy's Perfect Party! )
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Owl to Mr. Wood [Dec. 16th, 2008|07:16 pm]
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unsigned and no return address. )
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[Dec. 14th, 2008|09:18 pm]
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[Current Music |Heartbeats : Jose Gonzalez]

Who: Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Clemence Parkinson (NPC), Narcissa Malfoy (NPC)
When: 14 December, 2001
Where: Parkinson Manor
What: Tea
Rating: TBA
Status: Private/InComplete

Stressed is not just desserts spelled backwards. )
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[Dec. 9th, 2008|09:15 pm]
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To All Non-Blood Traitor Purebloods and Close Friends. )
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[Dec. 2nd, 2008|08:38 pm]
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WHO: Pansy Parkinson, Clemence Parkinson (NPC)
WHEN: Backdated, Sunday 30 November 2001
WHERE: The Parkinson Estate
WHAT: Pansy mulls things over in the tub and Mummy shows her affection.
WARNING: Character Abuse
STATUS: Private/Complete

She must do better. )
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