Posts Tagged: 'time:+1978-01'

Jan. 31st, 2012




Is there anything more tragic- or anything that can make you feel quite so utterly pathetic- than a teenage broken heart?




Valentine's Day is quickly approaching, and I do so love this time of year.  It is so refreshing to see my fellow classmates paired up into such loving couples-- or, if they aren't already, to take advantage of such a time and be bold!  That witty girl in your Potions class?  The bashful boy across the table in Herbology?  Tell them how you feel!  Now is the time for action, my friends.

Jan. 26th, 2012




This is ridiculous.

Say something nice about someone else.  Anonymously or not, I don't care, just something nice.  And if you're not going to say something nice, then kindly bugger off don't even bother.

Jan. 25th, 2012




[Warded to Glenda Chittock]
Is it true?




Those of us who know our Tennyson know that In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.  I do wonder, then, what dear old Alfie would think of Hogwarts' current goings-on...

It should come as no surprise, of course, that some of Hogwarts' men are ahead of the Tennyson curve, with their fancy turning to thoughts of love well in advance of springtime.  Hogwarts' men, though a delightful subject in and of themselves, are not what I wonder about today. 

It seems that a certain Slytherin has taken her fancy somewhere much more disconcerting, somewhere certainly not covered in a Tennyson work- that is to say, she fancies a certain blonde Gryffindor girl

Now, it is no secret that there have been whispers of intragender relationships this whole year at Hogwarts.  Indeed, said Gryffindor's last boyfriend left her for another man.  While some might consider it commendable, laudable even, that this Slytherin would show such concern, such consideration in this Gryffindor's obvious time of need, it must be remembered that it is best for all parties involved find their way back to their proper places, and soon.

Jan. 23rd, 2012



What's the biggest risk you've ever taken? Was it worth it or do you find yourself regretting the decision often?

Jan. 13th, 2012



I'm very hungry Advertising one's singleness over the journals in the hope of finding a snog or a date: discuss.

It isn't something that I'd ever consider doing, personally.



ANONYMOUS (backdated to yesterday, January 12th)

I miss you with all my heart.

Happy birthday.

Jan. 12th, 2012




Okay, you lot. Time to 'fess up! Who has already broken their resolutions for the new year? And if you haven't, bully for you.

Jan. 10th, 2012




What's the nastiest, worst, or evilest thing you've ever done?

Jan. 6th, 2012




Now I know I can't be the only one who's missed quidditch over the hols.  So we did this once before- how about another anonymous quidditch match?  Nothing at stake, just an excuse to play for the fun of it.

As before, if you're interested, just tell me what position you'd like to play.  You don't have to be on your house team to join in, and even if you are on your house team, you can pick a different position if you want.  I'll give you a number and tell you if you're Team A or Team B, and we'll just show up next Sunday (15th January) ready to play.


Jan. 4th, 2012




So, Hogwarts. What are your plans for making 1978 a year to remember?

Jan. 3rd, 2012




Name one thing that was brilliant about the holidays, and one thing you're looking forward to being back at school for!

Jan. 1st, 2012




Am I the only one ridiculously excited for the new term to start? I can't wait to get back to the castle and working again.