Posts Tagged: 'character:+rita+skeeter'

Apr. 15th, 2012




I don't know that I've ever been so disappointed in my house before yesterday.

Mar. 29th, 2012




What will you be doing over the holiday?

Personally, I will be working on my tan in the south of France, my every whim catered to by muggles paid handsomely for their services.  I could not think of a better way to spend a holiday.

Mar. 14th, 2012




Say what you will about the mentality of their house in general, but I think most anyone would be hard pressed to deny that the men of Hufflepuff are very easy on the eyes.  And, given the recent discussion of skinny dipping, I feel confident in saying that yes, lads, we are definitely ready.

Feb. 24th, 2012




Why must we all suffer because of one Slytherin's mistake?  I do not want Professor Kettleburn reading the letters I send home or inspecting the care packages my parents send me.  It hardly seems fair that we're all made to pay for her transgressions.

Feb. 8th, 2012




Oh, how romantic!  I wish that I had a beau so fanciful and innovative as Gilderoy Lockhart- truly, doesn't every girl deserve to be treated with such wonderful finesse and pageantry?

Jan. 31st, 2012




Valentine's Day is quickly approaching, and I do so love this time of year.  It is so refreshing to see my fellow classmates paired up into such loving couples-- or, if they aren't already, to take advantage of such a time and be bold!  That witty girl in your Potions class?  The bashful boy across the table in Herbology?  Tell them how you feel!  Now is the time for action, my friends.

Jan. 25th, 2012




Those of us who know our Tennyson know that In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.  I do wonder, then, what dear old Alfie would think of Hogwarts' current goings-on...

It should come as no surprise, of course, that some of Hogwarts' men are ahead of the Tennyson curve, with their fancy turning to thoughts of love well in advance of springtime.  Hogwarts' men, though a delightful subject in and of themselves, are not what I wonder about today. 

It seems that a certain Slytherin has taken her fancy somewhere much more disconcerting, somewhere certainly not covered in a Tennyson work- that is to say, she fancies a certain blonde Gryffindor girl

Now, it is no secret that there have been whispers of intragender relationships this whole year at Hogwarts.  Indeed, said Gryffindor's last boyfriend left her for another man.  While some might consider it commendable, laudable even, that this Slytherin would show such concern, such consideration in this Gryffindor's obvious time of need, it must be remembered that it is best for all parties involved find their way back to their proper places, and soon.

Nov. 26th, 2011



Who do you fancy? I know you're dying to get it off your chest so go on, tell us.