February 8th, 2012




[Ward: Male Students]
I'm sure we all know by now that Valentine's Day is fast approaching.  Whatever our other differences might be, I hope that we can all agree that- at this time of year, especially- the fairer (female) students among us deserve to be shown how much we appreciate them.

So, I propose a project.  I've already spoken to Professor Sprout (though she is the only female privy to these plans), and she has agreed to supply a rose to be sent to every female student at school!  You don't have to only send roses to the girl you might fancy- you could send one to a friend, or a classmate, or even a younger year that you don't know well at all!  The point is just to show them all how wonderful they are.

See Professor Sprout before next Monday to pick someone (or someones) to send roses to- between all of us, I'm sure we can make this a wonderful day for them!




Oh, how romantic!  I wish that I had a beau so fanciful and innovative as Gilderoy Lockhart- truly, doesn't every girl deserve to be treated with such wonderful finesse and pageantry?