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Oct. 10th, 2008 @ 02:34 pm Organic coffee
location: mom'
Current Mood: busy

Millstone. Now I'm a fan of starbucks, but when I'm at the grocery store, I buy Millstone. They offer several oraganic coffee at a moderate price. About $10.00 vs Starbucks at $12 or higher per pound. I'm going pound for pound. It's nice to pay the same price for a dark roast organic that I could pay for one of the other varieties as well. I'm trying to get more organic but I don't have a lot of extra money to throw that way so when I can organic for not a lot of extra money, I buy it. And I'm happy. Very happy. So currenlty, I have a dark roast organic Mayan coffee in the car (whole bean and ready to grind for java). I also like the Moonlight one. I forget the whole name is, but Moonlight is part of it. It has hints of jasmine. It's a slightly lighter roast too. Rainforest Reserve is also good, but I like the other two more.

Favorite coffee anyone? What's your favorites? Have more than one? Why do you like them? :)
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