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Jun. 23rd, 2009



Exams and all are over so back from Hiatus, with Rtas anyway, keeping Roy on hiatus until I can figure where I want to bring him back from.

Jun. 15th, 2009


Dear Cockwok. Tomorrow is my birthday. I'd like a plastic rocket, and a pony, and lots of xigbar porn--

Dear Clockwork

Are you enjoying yourself? It's nice weather, isn't it? And not only that, old friends are coming to visit! Remember the lovely, lovely T-rex lady of a little while ago?

She's back~

She does seem to be looking a little different but that might just be your eyes betraying you, right? And as T-rexs and heartless are wont to do, she is gobbling up little NPCs left and right~ Oddly enough there is no blood. In fact, it's like their bodies just seem to vanish the moment she sinks her teeth in, leaving just flittery, living shadows. Curious and curiouser.

Have fun, Clockwork. Don't let the darkness eat cha.

- Organization NAMBLA II & VI

Jun. 11th, 2009


Hi, everyone~ Robin here, popping in to say that I'll be at AnimeNEXT this weekend. According to my paperwork for the hotel reservation, this time around I should have internet, but we'll see.

I should be back Monday, though. Have fun~ &hearts

This affects: Chris, Chibi here, Ken Ichijouji, Aya-chan, Elise and Yuugi.

Jun. 10th, 2009


Hiatus notice

Family's coming in for sister's graduation this weekend, so I'll be afk for a few days... like way afk... like in Ohio and away from a computer afk. Should be back on either Tuesday or Wednesday or whenever I feel up to making the long haul back.

While I'm gone...

Flik, should you need them for anything, you have rights to Bya, Heero, and Yuuhi. If not, they'll be around doing whatever. Sasuke will probably be exploring the building, Jou will be with Yuugi & Elise, and Ran will be around.

I think that's everyone, so TTFN!



I am going out of town for a few days. I will be back monday/tuesday.

Jun. 8th, 2009


Alright! I'm back! And consequently . . .


Jun. 5th, 2009



Kayce here with stuff and things to say that have been on my mind for a little bit here. While I procrastinate things and give you guys more time to be lazy, I have a few ideas and suggestions to share with you all.

PLEASE READ. Also sorry it's long-ish. |D;; )

What do you guys think? Any other ideas for that? This is a braindump post anyways, so go ahead and say whatever you think might be fun, good idea or bad. It's better than complaining about nothing to do, isn't it? Go ahead and comment here.

If you want to ask me stuff, do it. This is all my own pondering, not Pelt or Flik's. They can add stuff too, just I'd like to get this all out while I'm in the mood.

While yes, we do have actual suggestion posts up already, nobody uses them anymore, hence this post here.

Jun. 4th, 2009



o hi

since I feel like giving him another go, bringing back Oki.



friend remove boss_kokkiku
friend remove lussuria

friend add okikurumi

/reminds self to work on lists soon, derp

Jun. 3rd, 2009


I'm weak, so here's Ri bringing in her sixth character and the one who originally gave her the nickname of "Cher": Uchiha Sasuke. This version's a wee bit different from that one though in that he's only seven years old, he's happy and cheerful, and as far as he knows, his family is alive and well.

Add him?

Jun. 2nd, 2009



I return from Hiatus with Tadase! If anyone could fill me in on any important events that would be greatly appreciated.

Jun. 3rd, 2009


finally =_=

As of midnight clockwork's newest, tommy gun totin', cloves smokin' inhabitant is on the move - creepin' through corridors and pokin' her head through walls if there's anything curious happenin' on the other side.

Feel free to spot her (and ping me if you wanna do more than just catch a glimpse and a grin)

Jun. 2nd, 2009


Sadly, the muse has been dead and gone for a while, and I suppose it's finally time to just put him to sleep. Who knows, I might bring him back one day.

Until this--

friend remove ofheart

Jun. 1st, 2009


Since XI is no longer about to terrorize or need collared, I'm going to go ahead and do what I've been thinking of doing for the past week or so and drop his papa.

friend remove malattia

I may or may not think of a less crazy villain to come in to replace him with but for now I'll be just stickin with Rufus & Zexion.

On that note, what would you people think of a Muraki coming to CW?

May. 31st, 2009


i thought maybe the almost-hiatus would change my mind about this, but i guess not.

it's been a nice run, but i think it's finally time for me to take my leave.

i'd do some sort of, 'boohoo i'm going to miss you guys and you were all so amazing and maybe we'll still be bffs plz after i'm gone' but i'm not cause you all know i'm an asshole anyways.

who knows, maybe i'll be back next month or even next week. but until then.

see you guys on the flip side -- deuce it.

friend remove migratorybird
friend remove permanentia
friend remove greinen
friend remove princetheripper
friend remove rightmirror
friend remove youngreezy
friend remove thegreengirl
friend remove nihoned


crash boom bang

Now in! The freshest clockwork news right here.

This evening, right around sunset the A wing of the hotel will be hit by an unidentified flying object - or to be more precise a man sized black metal coffin will crash into it, coming to rest in or in the wall of Room 666.

When touched the metal will be cool and only showing minimum damage despite the crash.

On the lid  - at about eye height there will be a greek inscription under a cross, reading 'The bird of Hermes is my name eating my wings to make me tame.' 

Feel free to poke and prod to your heart's desire 

May. 30th, 2009


Shut up yes I'm on hiatus still. Kinda.

So...Watari's at it again. At about 3:00 PM PST (...eleven minutes ago) a gas was released into the vents. Welcome to the kemonomimi/gijinka potion, here's how it work.

If you're effected by the kemonomimi part, which is...most of the hotel--you will gain the ears and tail of some animal, generally something fuzzy. You may or may not also get shorter, up to you. However, for characters that are already animal like? You'll be completely human.

The potion will wear off for everyone at midnight PST on Wednesday, June 3rd. Have fun. As always, completely optional.


New bitch on the block

Greetings and salutations dear clockworkdians!

I bring you a new little girl to play with.

Her name is Alucard and I promise she doesn't bite - more than once. Please be so kind as to add her.

May. 29th, 2009


Hiatus notice

Derp. Given school and life and a metric shitton of other things, I'll be taking a hiatus/semi-hiatus until I can actually find the will to do more than stare blankly at a computer screen.

This effects Watari, Sano, Ammy, Peter, and Alice.

I might be able to tag, but don't hold your breath. :c


A public Service anoncement from Koko.

This is Rainbow Baby Blue, call him Colonello. The Aim is IdidYOURmomKORA and his journal well just Add Him


More drop;

It's been real guys. I think it's time to let Jade go, therefore, I'm bowing out of Clockwork.

friend remove necromance_this

See ya'll around. ♥

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