Nov. 24th, 2009


Be gentle with me

Okay, apparently I have a teeny little baby brain back that I am slowly nurturing into life again. (As an aside, I hate exams with a passion. Seriously I was braindead for about 3 days afterwards which kind of sucked for both RP and Nano.)

So... I want to creep back into things at this here game and that means... anyone I owe tags to (where we should continue the thread for plot purposes)? Or we can always talk OOC and decide where we want to go. Anyone want my characters for anything? Be gentle! I think Tonks has already claimed Remus for a date so anyone other than him.

Nov. 16th, 2009


Just a semi-hiatus type note to everyone - I have an exam on Wednesday. It's in Ancient Greek. I am reasonably prepared but am likely to go into panic mode at a moment's notice. As a result I may be somewhat sporadic RP-wise for the next few days. Once my exam is over, I'll be fully back on deck. Thankfully. *headdesk*

Nov. 4th, 2009


Hey all! I'm sorry I've been ridiculously absent this weekend. Apparently combining a four day weekend, exam revision, start of NaNo, NaNo write-ins, NaNo write-ins that go ridiculously late and result in me not getting home until after midnight and doing a ridiculous amount of cooking is not conducive for doing much other than going "Uhhhhhhhhhhh" a lot with a blank expression on my face.

On the other hand, I have 11,000 words in Nano already. Yay me?

Anyway... I'm going to bed early tonight and hopefully will wake up tomorrow rested and ready to go and will do that tagging thing. (Also hopefully there won't be any more silly firefighters giving me work to do that has an 'uh, can you get this done by tomorrow' deadline to it.)

If it gets to the end of tomorrow and I haven't tagged a thread, let me know. It's fallen through a hole in my sieve-like mind and I need to stuff it back in.

Also if you want one (or more) of my characters for something, let me know as well.

[Some of you may be seeing this twice because I lack the ability to type this out twice so copy/paste it is.]

Oct. 16th, 2009


Fenrir Attacks!!

For all Aurors and particularly Harry Potter (since he's the boss), Fenrir has gotten all uppity and decided to prove that he's still the man. At the end, he sent a blood-stained plea for help to the Aurors, which I'm sure would have been answered quickly. :D

So... feel free to play that out if you like, reference it in future posts, etc etc

The scene was have been particularly bloody, the bodies torn apart viciously but there would have been enough evidence in the form of fingerprints, magical signature and anything else you'd like that the perpetrator was Fenrir. He wasn't exactly looking to hide the fact that he was there.

He's going to be fairly useless for the next four or five days. Bedridden, exhausted and so on though he will manage to contact Cadfael in the morning to come and look after him.

Oct. 3rd, 2009


I love it when Tweak is amusing - Just as I log into Roddy and open the Roddy/Bella thread, Tweak says, "insanity is a lot of fun". Ah, Bella, Tweak's onto you.

Sep. 26th, 2009


Go Cats!

Hey guys! Sorry I wasn't around today. It's Grand Final day in Melbourne today (think of Superbowl day and you're reasonably close to what's been going on) and I got an unexpected invite to a Grand Final party. Beer, food, fun, lots of cheering... how could I say no?

I've had a bit to drink so I'm going to attempt to do some tagging tonight but I make no promises. I will be back as per normal tomorrow so I'll definitely be tagging then.

Also it took me longer to proofread and correct this entry than it did to type it up in the first place. And that's taking into account Firefox's spell check thingy.

Sep. 25th, 2009


Ohgod I posted something else!  By which I mean, Roddy is wanted at the manor and I think Tom's return may have scared my Bella muse out. She was hopping from foot to foot and going on about killing kittens or something. 

Also, I found irony recently in hearing someone related Bella in HBP to Drusilla.  I think I lol'd a full minute.

But anyways!  That ... no, that's all I had. Though if anyone feels like spamming me here, I would be all right with that because I am scattered as all hell so do it

Hmm. I think perhaps I need to have more coffee.  ::toodles off::

Sep. 24th, 2009


Whew! Now that IJ has finally let me upload all of Scorpius' icons, the boy can finally come home. And so he has. So any Malfoys at the manner, want to come welcome Scorpius home?

Sep. 21st, 2009



Yes, yes, I am completely incorrigable.

This here is Scorpius Malfoy, who will have icons (of Alex Pettyfer in case you were wondering) when I get home. He is the perfect son, a typical Malfoy and so much better than you... on the outside anyway. Underneath, he is a whole lot more and planning a whole lot more. You can have a look at him here because that's easier than me re-writing it all here.

So... he has family, cousins, old school mates around? We should work out backstory and plotty goodness!

Sep. 10th, 2009



I am apparently incorrigible.

This here is Jeremy Callahan. He is a Muggleborn wizard who is one of those who was left off the list. He has no idea that he's a wizard though he knows he's capable of doing some strange things which he calls 'magic' purely and simply because he's a bit of a fantasy nut. He's able to control his magic to a certain extent when he's calm but when he gets angry or upset or worked up in any way, he loses control of it and weird things tend to happen around him.

He's kind of always been the 'freak' and a loner and who knows what he's going to make of the wizarding world.