Nov. 10th, 2009


Anyone want a Jamesie?

Yo all!

Jade here. XD Buried in homework and desperate for sanity.

I want to get a James post thrown out there tonight sometime. Anyone interested in some James S. Potter interaction? If so, I can tailor the post for the appropriate run-in.

*scurries to read a chapter in Linguistics*


I would like to add that I'm also up for throwing Aries out there if anyone is interested in a thread with him.

Nov. 7th, 2009


Enter Aries

Hi. It's Jade again.


I couldn't resist. This is my Aries Greengrass and he is here to be in 6th year Slytherin and play with pups there.


So... any plots anyone want to discuss for him? Bio is up on his profile.


James is BORED.

Or I am. I can't tell. He's rather loud in my brain.

Anyway. The deal: This is James' first evening of freedom. He is no longer contagious, various body parts (some that he mourned more than others) have stopped vanishing, and he wishes to go do things.

His last bit of excitement was the entire wolfsbane incident. And he couldn't even leave quarantine to stick his nose in that.

At this point, he will jump off a building just to feel entertainment.

Plot with me?


...luring is bad.

Um. So. I'm in the middle of NaNo, my name is Jade, I'm 12 21 (almost 22), and I'm a writing addict.

"Hi, Jade."

Or that's what you should be saying.

I have a tendency of getting very busy, deciding RP is too much trouble, and vanishing. Giving it up forever.

And then Halo comes along.

She always comes along.

And she goes *lure*.

And I go "no."

And the she goes, "James." Or, if she's really crafty, she goes, "Sirius."

And then I say, "....yes, master."

And then I end up here.


I should add that I'm now your James S. Potter player.