October 16th, 2009

[info]oldandgrey in [info]circle_players

Fenrir Attacks!!

For all Aurors and particularly Harry Potter (since he's the boss), Fenrir has gotten all uppity and decided to prove that he's still the man. At the end, he sent a blood-stained plea for help to the Aurors, which I'm sure would have been answered quickly. :D

So... feel free to play that out if you like, reference it in future posts, etc etc

The scene was have been particularly bloody, the bodies torn apart viciously but there would have been enough evidence in the form of fingerprints, magical signature and anything else you'd like that the perpetrator was Fenrir. He wasn't exactly looking to hide the fact that he was there.

He's going to be fairly useless for the next four or five days. Bedridden, exhausted and so on though he will manage to contact Cadfael in the morning to come and look after him.