September 30th, 2009

[info]bookwormrose in [info]circle_players

Heads up: Life Exploded

Hey all! Many of you probably don't know this, but I am on the board of a non-profit theatre group, Rhodora Theatre Company and we are embarking on our next production, Agnes of God. If you are interested in supporting us, shoot me an email. *wink wink*

Our stage manager has recently bailed on us and it is most likely that I will be taking over as SM, which means my on line time throughout the months of October and November will be considerably less.

I still plan on playing and posting, but my tags maybe a bit slower than normal and I won't be available via YM or AIM. You are welcome to email me; I check that a couple dozen times a day, so I can be reached. I really appreciate your patience with me and hugs to all!


[info]veektwahr in [info]circle_players


Hello! I'm new! :) My name is Jamie and I'll be bringing in Victoire Weasley. A bit about me - I'm 22-years-old and live in Wisconsin. I work in travel insurance...sort of. I work in our medical department and provide emergency assistance to people who are traveling with our insurance and need help. Mostly, though, I read blogs and play on my iPod. ;D But, yes! I am going back to school to finish up my degree in english education and I'm moving in two weeks. Very exciting!

Anyway, enough about me. As I said, I'm bringing in Victoire! She's the oldest of the Weasley cousins and is, of course, Bill and Fleur's daughter. She was a Ravenclaw where she was a prefect and Head Girl and finished up school in 2018. She's currently a travel writer and photographer for the Daily Prophet, which causes her to travel out of the country a lot (imagine that!). She's been away from England for a few months now, but will be returning now. You can see more about her here!

So, yes. I love to plot! I'm open for everything and anything and I can't wait to get playing! I'm reeeally excited to be here. I had been stalking the comm for a while now, so it will be nice to be able to participate! :) You can catch me on AIM at rumblerawr and email at