September 10th, 2009

[info]nearlylost in [info]circle_players


I am apparently incorrigible.

This here is Jeremy Callahan. He is a Muggleborn wizard who is one of those who was left off the list. He has no idea that he's a wizard though he knows he's capable of doing some strange things which he calls 'magic' purely and simply because he's a bit of a fantasy nut. He's able to control his magic to a certain extent when he's calm but when he gets angry or upset or worked up in any way, he loses control of it and weird things tend to happen around him.

He's kind of always been the 'freak' and a loner and who knows what he's going to make of the wizarding world.

[info]only_an_orphan in [info]circle_players

Open thread

Lan's driving himself crazy if any Auror (or Ministry) sorts want to poke him.

[info]not_so_tragic in [info]circle_players

Open hogwarts Thread

Juliet is roaming the halls if any professor, staff, or students want to bump into her