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[05 Dec 2008|07:00pm]


Sorry for not being around the last days. I got a cold and didn't feel too good. part from that I have to study a lot now, as my exams will be on 11th & 16th this month. :-(

I'll try to reply to posts later and catch up on everything else as well. Sorry for all the delays!

After the 16th I should be around a lot again, as I will be on holiday then. :-) Can't wait!

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Back hopefully for good now [04 Dec 2008|02:34am]

Hey guys, sorry I was away for so long and didn't return on Monday like planned. But now hopefully I should be good to go with rping and such. So should I continue where I left off finishing the old threads? I know we now moved onto a new day and all, also did a miss anything important? I have a few games to catch up in so I'm little like AHHH! with where to go and such in the games. I hate being away.
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[26 Nov 2008|04:22pm]

Um, hey guys. I'm just throwing this up here to explain my previous lack of activity. Due to my course ending and me personally underestimating the amount of time I had left to complete my portfolio, I was forced to disappear pretty abruptly. Course is over now though, and I'm back around a little more regularly. ... Once I've caught up on some sleep today.

HUGE apologies to anyone who'd been waiting on anything from Sam. And extra apologies to Dean-mun for disappearing like that in the middle of the log.

So, what I'm trying to say is, I'm back! If you'll still have me.

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[26 Nov 2008|01:31am]

I started the first post for the ambush/kidnapping plot:

John is on the way to check out the northern part of the island. Anyone is welcome to join in on the plot.

We are definitely waiting for the players that have already shown interest in joining the plot. The characters we expect to see are:

Gwen Cooper - will be kidnapped
John Sheppard - will be kidnapped
Kadaj - will be kidnapped
Kara Thrace - will get away
Lee Adama - will be kidnapped
Loz - will get away
Yazoo - will be kidnapped

Bellatrix Lestrange
Lelaund Gaunt
Lucius Malfoy

I hope I didn't forget anyone. If I did let me know.

The good guys can all meet John in town or later in the woods, whatever you prefer. Once all the good guys are together the bad guys can show up and attack.

Once more characters are in the thread we will establish a posting order (will be added in the header) to make things easier.
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[24 Nov 2008|11:19pm]

Day 4 is officially here. Day 4 is when the plot about some from the evil side kidnap people from the good side of town, as we've been discussing. Anyone who's involved feel free to plot more about it here if you want.

If anyone else wants to join, just let us know.

And for those who aren't interested, just rp on day 4 doing whatever your character does.

Also, this doesn't mean the previous days' threads are off-limits for continuing and completing.

Thanks and have fun!

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[23 Nov 2008|11:55am]

Guys! The Doctor needs to do something around here. I'm not in a very good mood with RPs as of late, but if someone has something good for him. Please let me know. This way I don't have to drop.
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[21 Nov 2008|11:28pm]

Hi there!

It will be day 4 soon. We'll start 1 or 2 threads for the ambush/kidnapping(s) then.

So far the following characters wanted to join the plot:

John Sheppard, Lee Adama, Gwen Cooper, Kadaj & Yazoo will be kidnapped.

Loz will be in the ambush, but escapes.

Ruby will tell Sam about the kidnapping. Others could be there, too.

Loz, Faith, Buffy, Rachel, Dean (& Sam) want to rescue the others.

The torturers will be Jane, Bellatrix & Lucius, as they can inflict pain without physically harming the characters. We don't want our characters to have to stay in the hospital area for days/weeks.
Other evil characters can be present during the torturing.

Did I forget anything or anyone?

Any additional ideas are welcome. More characters can join of course. Please comment here, if your character wants to join the plot.

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Boo! [18 Nov 2008|08:13pm]

[ mood | amused ]

It's me Liz (Jennifer Keller and Sarah Walker), and I decided to pick up Michael from Stargate Atlantis.

A few things you should know about Michael...

*He was born a Wraith. A few years ago, he was kidnapped by John Sheppard's team, and brought to Atlantis. They gave him the retro-virus, which turned him into a human. Needless to say, he escaped. Without the drug, he started to change back to a Wraith but the transformation wasn't complete so now he's part Wraith and part human.

*He's good at genetics and DNA. He has made several hybrids out of humans, and has made a few clones.

*He hates humans. Michael seems them as nothing more than playthings. So don't expect him to ask you over for tea. Well, he might but I wouldn't drink the tea. Never know what's in it. ;-)

*His dream is to clone John Sheppard, and turn the real John Sheppard into a hybrid (sorry, Betty!)

*He has been on the island for a while but has been keeping to himself, but I'm sure he'll make an appearance sooner or later.

Like with all my characters, I'm open to plotting. :D

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[18 Nov 2008|01:38pm]

*squees*yes yes i just couldnt resist!

Michelle here(the lelaund MUN) again.LoL anyhoo!im bringing in jo harvelle. Dean and sam muns be prepared!she will have a bone to pick with both of em!^_^

Since i've never actually played jo before,please beware with me if I suck at first,cause yeah:(
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Quick Question :) [16 Nov 2008|09:28pm]

Faith and Lee,

Did you guys want me to post, or were we going to be bringing a doctor into the mix? Just wanted to ask before I jumped in and started posting.

Sage aka Kara
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[15 Nov 2008|01:54am]

Hi there!

It's me Liz (Jennifer Keller's player), and I'm going to play Sarah Walker from Chuck too. For more information on her, check on her user info page. She's open to plotting, and I'll probably post something with her sometime this weekend. :)
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[13 Nov 2008|10:36pm]

Ruby would like to make a friend, someone that might be able to look past her being a demon. She's felt lonely for centuries now and it would be nice for her to find a friend. Anyone interested?

Martha would like to meet some familiar faces. Doctor, Rose, Gwen? Anyone interested in meeting her?
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Heads up [10 Nov 2008|09:13pm]

[ mood | blah ]

Due to an approaching winter storm, my cable/internet keeps going out. The storm is coming my way so if I disappear for a day, or two, that's why. Keep your fingers crossed it gets better because I'm going to be totally bored without the internet and TV. LOL!

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[10 Nov 2008|01:55am]

I'm so sorry everyone for disappearing for ages. I've been working on stuff for my own game and I totally spaced. Eep.

I will return to the game if the mods will let me?
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[09 Nov 2008|09:53pm]

Hey everyone!

My name's Li, and I'll be playing Sam Winchester from the series Supernatural. To anyone unfamiliar with the series, you can find a tl;dr synopsis in this journal...if you have a bit of free time, that is.

As a general heads up, I run by GMT, so my active times are pretty different to most. As well as that, work has me AWOL for three random days a week. ... Or which Monday and Tuesday are ones this week.

ANYWAY. Sam'll be coming in from right after "Yellow Fever", and on the hunt for big brother. Expect to see him around, later this week.
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[09 Nov 2008|10:16pm]

I made a post for the planning of the attack on the evil side of town:

So, all bad guys, please show up. Do we still have active bad guys around? We really hope so!

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announcement [09 Nov 2008|08:08pm]

Faith made an announcement on the board in the living quarters for a self defense lesson / sparring session at 2 pm on day 3. Everyone interested shall come to the gym and join the fun.

Everyone from the good side is welcome to join the thread. We can then have a few smaller groups training. Maybe just pairs and Faith walkes around and helps or something. Or she demonstrates some moves. I'm open for anything.

Here is the thread:

Come join. *g*
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[08 Nov 2008|09:54pm]

For some reason, I can't see the member information post so I can add my information.

Also, sorry to the Dean player for posting over you. *sheepish look* It's been a while since I've played a journal-based game, and I'm still getting used to it again. Did you want me to delete my comment?
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[09 Nov 2008|02:04am]


Day 3 starts now. We'll rp it for a few days and everyone can still finish the old posts from day 1 & 2.

My characters are free for plotting on day 3: Faith, Rachel, John, Jacob, Henry (after dark) & Ruby (who I just picked up).

Let me know if you want to rp anything with one of them.

We could for example have a self defense lesson with Faith or just some sparring, a meeting at the mall with Rachel, a bit of relaxing at the pool with any of my characters.

As announced I'll also npc Martha until someone wants to pick her up. So, doctor, Rose, Jack, Gwen... Anyone want to meet her?

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New person! ^.^ [08 Nov 2008|06:06pm]

[ mood | awake ]

Hi there! I'm Liz, and I'm new to this game (although, I think I've RPed with some of you before). Anyway, I'll be playing Doctor Jennifer Keller from Stargate Atlantis for now. There's a good chance I'll add more characters sooner or later. :)

I love to plot, and I'm open to pretty much anything. :) The best way to get ahold of me is to e-mail me at deviantiniowa @

Look forward to playing with all of you! :)

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