Children of Eden - January 19th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Children of Eden

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January 19th, 2014

[Jan. 19th, 2014|12:49 pm]


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[Current Mood | stressed]

WHO: Carrick and Leo
WHERE: Carrick's Estate
WHEN: Week 7, Tuesday, Sun is down but before the full moon is up
WHY: Leo seeks out help

You know what, man? You're lucky I'm not wearing your underwear. And the next time y'all call me, it better be for something easy. Like faking a moon landing. )
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[Jan. 19th, 2014|01:04 pm]


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WHO: Jenn and Alice
WHERE: Hale Estate, the room Mir is staying in
WHEN: Week 7, Tuesday Morning
WHY: Because Jenn needs friends!
WARNINGS: None that I can think of!

Alice in Wanderland )
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[Jan. 19th, 2014|04:20 pm]


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[Current Mood | restless]

Who: Carrick & Russell
Where: Carrick's Estate
When: Week 7, Tuesday, Moon rise
Why: For your own safety
Warning: Bondage and possible sex
Ya hear him howlin' around your kitchen door, Ya better not let him in, Little old lady got mutilated late last night, Werewolves of London again )
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[Jan. 19th, 2014|10:21 pm]


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WHO: Ianto and Jack
WHERE: Jack's house
WHEN: Week 7. Monday, night
WHY: Jack wants to give, in his opinion, a poor excuse for a birthday present.
WARNINGS: Jack Harkness, sex

Happy birthday to you. )
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