Children of Eden - January 20th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Children of Eden

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January 20th, 2014

[Jan. 20th, 2014|09:45 am]


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[Current Mood | exhausted]

Who: Russell & Eterna
Where: Carrick's Estate Strong Room in the Cellar
When: Week 7, Thursday Morning, End of Full Moon Cycle
Why: Mischief
Warning: Possible triggers, non-con
There's a monster in the basement )
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[Jan. 20th, 2014|02:42 pm]


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WHO: Nate and Lucien
WHERE: DeWitt Mansion
WHEN: Week 7. Sunday, evening
WHY: After his talk with Emerson, Lucien goes to check on his slave and tell him that there will be no drinking that night.
WARNINGS: Lucien's mind(as always), and probably sex.

Even the greats fall. )
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[Jan. 20th, 2014|05:47 pm]


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Who: Emrys and Jenn
Where: Hale Estate
When: Week 7, Wednesday afternoon
What: Emrys and Jenn spend some time alone for the fist time since the punishment debacle
Why: They must bond
Warnings: None so far. Will add as needed

Human bonding rituals often involve a great deal of talking, and dancing, and crying. -Worf )
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[Jan. 20th, 2014|09:11 pm]


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[Current Mood | shocked]

Who:Russell & Noctis
Where: Carrick's estate
When: Week 7 Thursday, Late morning
Why: Russell discovers what happened to Noctis
Warning: TBD
This isn't going to end well )
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