Children of Eden - October 23rd, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Children of Eden

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October 23rd, 2013

[Oct. 23rd, 2013|12:48 am]


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Who: Carrick and Liam
Where: The yard behind Carrick's house
When: Week 2, Saturday night
Why:  combat training
Warnings: Violence and blood

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[Oct. 23rd, 2013|02:56 pm]


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Who: Jack and DeWitt
Where: Jack's home
When: Week 2, Tuesday, Evening
Why: An old bottle of scotch has to be drunk, and talk of a brand
Warning: Jack Harkness, mentions of slavery. TBA

While he is in his room, might as well have some company. )
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Working It Off [Oct. 23rd, 2013|08:45 pm]


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Who: Derek and Isaac
Where: Hale Estate, Derek's room.
When: Week 2, Friday evening
Why: Derek's not emo. Really.
Warnings: None, probably. TBA

A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever. - Jessamyn West )
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