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Boardwalk Exiles [04 May 2013|01:22pm]

They came to our world seeking refuge...
...twenty years later they are still here.

What was meant to be "happily ever after" wasn't what we or they thought it would be. People who know as characters in childhood fairytales came to our world to escape a war in their homeland twenty years ago. Ten years go the mirror they used to come this world shattered mysteriously and now they are trapped in our world.

As the citizens of Astoria, called "Stories" by the locals, continue to live a mundane existence caught between moving on and clinging to their identity, are they truly safe in our world? Will they ever find their way back?

Inspired by Fables and a touch of The 10th Kingdom, this game will be open for anyone to join. At the end of May it will become "Invite Only." At this time only characters from Grimm's Fairy Tales are allowed. No Disney/OUaT versions allowed.

[ Premise | Taken/Held | Requests | How to Apply ]

This game is for 18+ for some dark themes.
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[04 May 2013|04:40pm]

of our own device

MODS  •  RPG  •  OOC


Your life has not been an easy one. Many have tried to make you see reason, and it seems like you make one mistake after another. Some say you never stood a chance in this world but somewhere in your deepest heart of hearts, you know that’s not true. You can remember so clearly walking on your path of destruction, and the world stilling around you as you hit that one defining moment. That one chance to get your life together, or continue this path to whatever oblivion awaited you.

You made the wrong choice, but don’t worry. There is someone looking out for you. This force of good wants you to find redemption. The force has tried to be subtle, but you missed its cues. You didn’t realize it, but through-out the course of your life you were giving three major opportunities to turn your life around – and failed every choice. Now your life is about to be highjacked.

How the occupants come to the hotel is always a little different, but the same key details are always the same. A person suffers an extremely long period of bad luck – it could be a week, it could even be months. At some point in the chaos, an opportunity is presented to them. A job offer. A new deal. A new identity. Whatever the person feels they need most presents themselves – if they’re willing to travel to get it. Sometimes they’re told to go to California, sometimes it’s Vegas, but the trip is doomed from the start. Connecting flights will be canceled. Rental cars will break down in the middle of the Mojave desert. Phone signals go out. Batteries die. There’s no choice but to walk it. The details of the journey differ, but the end result is always the same.

In the distance, you see a hotel.

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Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse Game [04 May 2013|05:02pm]

[info]survivingmodsis a brand new zombie apocalypse game looking for dedicated players who want to have fun writing and fighting the undead. The game is pan fandom, and with only a few roles on hold, many of your favorites are still available. We're hoping to open as early as Wednesday, May 8, so please consider putting an app in today so you can join the fun!

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