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[18 Sep 2008|11:47am]
Anyone who would be active in this Days Of Our Lives rpg!

[info]salem_usa via [info]salemusamods.
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[18 Sep 2008|02:40pm]

Wanna save the world?

The premise// Taken and held// Rules// Application

Most needed characters
anyone from supernatural
Beth,Mick,anyone from moonlight!
Fox mulder
lois lane,arthur curry/aquaman,green arrow,the flash,lex luthor,anyone from smallville.
Any of the cullens(bella and edward need plot!),Jacob black?
Anyone from x-men..

..And loads of others!
Apps are accepted on a first come first serve basis.
Originals are accepted
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[18 Sep 2008|02:45pm]
"were gathered here today to watch this man,and this women...tottally eff things up."
The premise// Taken and held// Rules// Application

you know you love me
gossip girl
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Into The Woods [18 Sep 2008|08:34pm]

Imagine a world where the tales you heard as a child were real, a world where everything of fantasy was reality. A world of princesses, knights in shining armor, fantastical creatures, dangerous woods, glass slippers and more. Imagine if that world were at your fingertips.

Every character in the tales of old has a story long beyond 'ever after.' Does the maiden stay with her prince? Are all wolves creatures filled with evil intent? Do the bad guys really rot in prison, do they really die?

Into The Woods is a roleplay community based on the stories found in fables, folklore, legend and traditional fairy tales. We are seeking dedicated players who focus on quality writing and player driven plot lines. For detailed information, please visit our site. Check us out today!

Quick Links
| Story | Rules | Character Guidelines |
| FAQ | Map | Application | Characters/Holds |
| In Character | Out of Character | Mod Journal |

Game Opens October 1st
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[18 Sep 2008|08:52pm]
| R U L E S | A P P L I C A T I O N | C H A R A C T E R S | O O C |
In the not-so-distant future, human opinion on mutants has not changed greatly. A few human-led mutant rights groups have been popping up around the world. A group in the United States, HUMU, has even become affiliated with the Xavier Academy, hosting rallies and fund raisers for the school and trying to pass education laws on mutant acceptance classes. Some government officials, however, are still attempting to put mutants in a lower class than humans. While the X-Men are distracted by humans, the Brotherhood is slowly coming back to power.
[info]evolv_efollows the movie storyline, though deceased mutants are still alive.


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[ viewing | September 18th, 2008 ]
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