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May. 25th, 2008


New Characters

From now on unless you're already in the game, the application has to be absolutely stellar. xD I say this because I will not ever "refuse" new people if their applications prove themselves to be wonderful but I also don't want CU to swarm with eighty or more characters. Heheh.

We have two new characters, though, that will come into the game tomorrow. Monday. They have not been added to the Places of Interest or the Quick Add YET, but they will be soon.

For Hell we have Walter Sullivan ([info]holy_assumption) from Silent Hill 4. He will be rooming with Balam in Room 207.
For Heaven we have Glitch ([info]synapse_glitch from Tin Man. He will be rooming with Will Graham in Room 303.

Welcome! My computer is misbehaving TERRIBLY at the moment but I am determined to get edits and character replies done tonight/tomorrow morning. I'm not really sure what's up with my computer at the moment but i'll try to fix it soon...xD Anyway, because of the computer problems I wanted to say that when I DO manage to get the updated lists and everything up, I'll mention it in an edit to this post. =3

May. 18th, 2008


New Characters and Updates

We have three new characters joining the game, though they're from people who're already members~

For Hell's side we have:
Ichimaru Gin ([info]kisama), who will be rooming with Jazz in the Garage (think of it as the Garage now having a loft in one corner for a more human-sized person to sleep in)
Midvalley the Hornfreak ([info]hornfreak), who will be rooming with Shinji in room #106

For Heaven's side we have:
Eileen Galvin ([info]shabby_doll), who will be rooming with Lina in room #202

All of these characters have been invited to join the game - check under 'manage asylums'! If you haven't received them, let me know. I'll send them again. We might have a Walter Sullivan and a David from The Lost Boys entering the game too, but we'll see. I'm probably going to get more cautious with applications because we have a good amount of people. It'll probably be easier from now on to add characters if you're already in the game than to be completely new. Not that I won't accept more applications - I just think we're not in an 'underpopulated rush to add more' mode anymore.

I've also added the three characters to the Taken Character List, the Quick Add list, and the Niflheim and Asgard lists. The Places of Interest list has also been updated. Later i'll be adding an 'edit' to this confirming the addition of Niflheim's training area and its description as well as Asgard's. The Contact Information has also been edited.

May. 15th, 2008


Removal and Updates

The timeline has been updated (though it's missing a thread or two) and a character needs to be removed.

Due to inactivity, please remove Alice Liddell (NOT Alice Elliot!) from your friendslists. The quick add list will have a removal command for that account name as of now.

On the bright side, we may have a few new characters that'll even up the teams a bit more. Those of you already in the game who submitted applications? I will look at yours very soon - i've been extremely busy.

May. 14th, 2008


Modly Stuff Again

I just want to let you all know that, due to life responsibilities and all that jazz, the modliness cannot always be watching the game. Especially when its activity just jumped into Speedy Gonzales mode (And I probably misspelled the poor cartoon character's name.)

Just to keep people informed - do not have your characters behave like other characters aren't wandering around Asgard or Niflheim doing their normal business just because they aren't as fast at being involved as some of the other player characters. Also, try to give people time!

...and remember that no one character may be active in more than two threads. The exception is if the character is stuck in two threads with players currently on HIATUS, and then they are allowed just one more than that.

To make sure I know that the thread is finished, add the "finished thread" tag at the end of the thread. I add it myself only to the threads I have been in or assume are complete.

Also, if you want your character's NPC team leader to do something - you can request it in a thread or on a journal page, but also keep in mind that if it's minor like a desire for normal clothing, having a toilet added to your character's bedroom, or for a bouquet of flowers - anything simple, feel free to assume they're giving it freely.

Well. Rather, Metatron would do anything simply to be nice. Lucifer might not give a character flowers, but he'd give them the food and supplies they need.

Just in case anyone ever gets confused~

May. 11th, 2008



Just to keep everyone updated. The Player 'Heads Up's thread has been updated by the new characters, as well as the Getting to Know You thread (for an easy link, check contact information while signed in - there should be a link in there!)

As for other news, the next Malfunction Day will occur on May 22nd, as a reminder. Luminous Lake and its description has been added to the Places of Interest. There are also descriptions of the new character's rooms in there as well, if they're curious.

Other than that, you've probably seen the timeline of events that's been made. I also added something possibly controversial to the character submission form, but I feel that it will give me another level of understanding of the character and how the player will want to write them.

May. 2nd, 2008



Your mod completely goofed!

She forgot to mention where Dr. Cox and Alice Liddell will be rooming!

Dr. Cox is rooming with Nick in 306 within Niflheim.

Alice L. is rooming with Lina in 202 within Asgard.

Uh. Cheers?

Apr. 28th, 2008


Due to Some Confusion!

An explanation about the 'journals'! Since some of us are new to this kind of RPG.

They are not journals. Yes, this may blow your mind. Yes, we use them similar to online journals, but what are they really? Online journals (unless you're a rarity) are not used like typical journals. They're communication devices.

They come in whatever form would fit your character's perception of the world - so yes, for the more modern folks who would understand it, they're probably coming off as some messaging board or online journal system. For everyone else? Who knows?

For Alice Elliot, it's a book that writes itself in the different handwritings of each character (when she makes a post and they start responding.)

For someone else, it may be a high tech communication device that transmits and records voices.

It's simply a communication system. It is not really a journal. A [private] entry will be considered something made just for oneself, that other characters can't read. But you could also, say, write a letter and wrap it up for safekeeping under your pillow and mark it [Private//Letter] or something to note that.

When a character writes something, or communicates in any way in first person that isn't directly in front of someone, you use the journals somehow. That's really how it goes. Feel free to ask questions though!

EDIT: Another creative way to use the system would be, for example, if Lucifer left an 'orb' for someone. When the person went into their room, the orb would activate and the character would hear Lucifer's message. So feel free to get wacky with it!



On Friday, May 2nd, Hell and Heaven are both getting a new teammate! This announcement may change to more than two people if we get any more applications, but we'll see.

Alice Liddell will be joining Heaven's team!
Dr. Cox will be joining Hell's team!

They'll officially arrive on Friday~!

Apr. 27th, 2008


Okay, Everyone!

What is it now? )

EDIT: Two new characters for Hell, one for Heaven and one character on the wait list. =3

Thanks for checking~! I hope everyone has fun once the game begins.

Apr. 25th, 2008


Last Minute Check Ups

Alright, everyone. The roleplay is beginning on Monday! I'm looking forward to it, but I thought i'd make a few announcements.

One, try to be careful and make sure you've added every Chaos Unraveled character, as well as the two communities, to your friendslist. It helps keep people up to date, I believe. If you're not sure if you have everyone, check the Taken Cast List. It is always updated the instant a character is accepted.

Two, if you have any questions, no matter how silly you may feel they are, don't be afraid to ask me or any of the other players! With communication, everything'll be a lot more fun.

Three, the NPCs will be telling everyone in character, on Sunday, where they've decided to put everyone within their respective headquarters, but if you want a sneak peek at the current rooming situation, click on the lj-cut. If any more new characters come into the game, the rooming decisions will likely change! The reason the NPCs will declare this on Sunday instead of Monday is because I want people to know before everyone starts roleplaying.

Four...the current room list:
How evil is Lucifer? )

How nice is Metatron? )

And that's the current rooming situation, folks! Anyway, I hope this game turns out to be a lot of fun. Chaotic fun, but fun.

EDIT: Oh yeah. It's not required, but if you haven't posted to the General Willingness post, you might want to consider it. It helps people get an impression of what they might and might not be able to plot with you for story events!

Apr. 21st, 2008


One More, Extra Info

I've added it to the plot summary, but a plot-bit for the beginning set up of the game was forgotten by your modliness! I'm sorry!

I want to make it clear that...if you're a Heaven character, then Metatron comes to your character and asks them if they'd be willing to aid Heaven's side. No Heaven character gets zapped rudely into the fight.

Hell's side, however? Your character can be merely zapped rudely into the fight (see: Strix) OR have been asked specifically by Lucifer to work for him/Satan (see: Emerald as an example).

The reason? Is because regardless of your religious beliefs, i'd just rather the "Heaven" side be the kind that asks, rather than demands like Hell.

Feel free to ask questions!

Apr. 19th, 2008


Informative Post

There's some things I feel I should say to make things clear to those who may be confused about how the RPG will begin when it's finally time to start.

It is meant to be assumed, when the RPG starts, that...
All characters are taken to their respective headquarters, having the situation explained to them by Metatron (if the character is part of Heaven's team) or Lucifer (if the character is part of Hell's team.) Simply because the NPCs explained the situation doesn't mean they were listening, however! Feel free to have your characters be a little confused if you like.

Also, as a way to encourage character interaction, the NPCs first moves will be to "organize" characters into respective rooms that will be posted in their individual journals. They will assign your characters into one of the various rooms within the headquarters (see Places of Interest) and your characters can react/feel whatever way they might about their rooming situation.

While not exactly encouraged, if you have a character that would simply refuse to comply, I wouldn't be surprise if we end up having a character or two that either run off and, while working for a particular team, live somewhere in Emptiness, or choose another room despite the say-so of their team leader.

If your character wouldn't ICly question Lucifer's or Metatron's decision (or if they would grudgingly compy), however, they'll continue to have their assigned bedrooms.

Feel free to ask questions! This little detail is generally to help inspire further character interaction and give players more ways and places to interact.

Apr. 16th, 2008


Announcement #1

Another note - until further notice, Chaos Unraveled will begin Monday, April 28th. Feel free to drop me a line if you think we should wait longer for more characters or if you need more time to prepare.

If necessary I will drag the opening date to May 1st, but i'd rather not. Also, just because the game begins doesn't mean you can't still apply for characters!

As a heads up, however, the Malfunction Day post has been seperated from the Places of Interest post for more convenient organization. Also, the Places of Interest post has been updated. It will be updated at least one more time, but check it out if you'd like!

There will be a player contact info members-only post soon as well.

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