April 7th, 2010

[info]2ndhandmemories in [info]chaosu_ooc

Old face, new muse.

Hello, it's Drakan.

I'm offering Naoya to everyone, from Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor. I'll go ahead and say, right off the bat, that he's bitter against God and angels. He's in Niflheim, but he's not explicitly evil, he's more of an enabler who leads others down darker paths. He doesn't care about what others think, and he's a manipulative bastard, for the lack of a better word. He's much more into magic that physical prowess, however, take the COMP away from him, and he's your average person, more or less.

Naoya also has some history with Loki, however. :/ Not some, but possibly a large deal of it is headcannon and fannon, since Atlus didn't put too much into that.

Spoilers, since where I'm taking him and his history can spoil the game for those that haven't played it yet, are below the cut.

History, better in-depth personality, and more on the fandom here. )

Questions? Comments? Anything? Ask away. C: E-mail: drakan.aroh@gmail.com, AIM: xtrasliceo2xdamn. I'm usually on my email or aim until all hours of the night during the weekdays, and until 11PM or midnight on weekends now-a-days, so holler.~