April 3rd, 2010

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Mod Post + Activity Check

Don't be too freaked out by the title, guys. This isn't for checking whether people have done a certain amount of stuff in the past month or anything. It just occurred to me that I haven't heard from some people in ages and I want to know who's still actually here. So without further ado:

IF YOU ARE AROUND AND WANT TO KEEP PLAYING HERE, PLEASE COMMENT For the sake of convenience, please put the name(s) of your character(s) in the comment. You'll have ten days (that is, until the 13th) to post a comment saying you're alive. If you don't post within that time, we will assume you're dropping.

This really isn't meant to be mean or anything, we just need to have some idea of who's here and who's not. If you miss the deadline because your life is just hectic, all you really have to do is tell us that you still want to play and I'll put your info back on the lists. Like I said, I just really want an inventory of what characters are actually still playing. And of course if you're on hiatus, you'll be exempt from the check.

Character List for Record-Keeping Purposes )

With that out of the way... I'd had a couple of votes to get Trial 3 going, but I don't want to get that started until I have a better idea of who's here. So I'll post up info about how the Trial is going to work after the activity check closes. In the meantime, here's a malfunction to keep people occupied:

Starting April 7: Picture Day - Characters take out pen and paper or start clipping up magazines because today they can’t speak nor write, they can only communicate through pictures. For the sake of the argument, let's assume that charades work, too.

Have fun, and remember to post here! ♥