February 23rd, 2010

[info]whosoldtheworld in [info]chaosu_ooc

I have an IDEA 8D!


Who wants a community dressingroom? 8D

How about a fanfiction community? ...8D?

Yes? No? Maybe? 8D?

I'll set them up, so his would be unofficial, I guess? — not run by the mods, that is — but I think it would be fun, so I'm putting the idea out there. And if you think it would be fun, too, lemme know! and gimme some ideas for community names, because I can't think of anything clever....

[info]itsmydayoff in [info]chaosu_ooc

Life is life, and I'm paying more attention to it than the internet right now, so I'm going to go ahead and say I'm actually on hiatus. I'll get to the logs I have open with people eventually--sorry for keeping you guys waiting (Bert and Yako, feel free to assume Reno's just following you guys and still being quiet for a while. Email me if you have some brilliant idea for plotting with him there that I can jump in on later). Again, if you need me for something, shoot me an email.

Otherwise, see you roundabouts March 8. Peace.