January 17th, 2010

[info]whosoldtheworld in [info]chaosu_ooc

Kinda hiatus??!

Alright, folks!

On the 19th I'm heading back to France for the second semester of school. That means I'm out of EST again and into CET (that's 6 hours ahead of EST, which is a pain in the butt but what can you do?) and also that for about two days, the 19th and 20th, I'll probably be totally AWOL. I'll be around after that, but school work will be picking up again, so RP will be slowing down again :/

I haven't forgotten about any of our plots, though, so don't worry! I also have some ideas for things everybody might be interested in! Like Malfunction Day suggestions and new Places of Interest and... other stuff that I totally can't think of right now. Yeah. That said I can't start working on the big RP stuff for a little while, 'cause along with school I'm doing college apps. Lots of them. And I am extremely behind schedule. D8

Still, if you want to plot with me— either something totally new, or something already in the works —you can leave a message here and we'll work something out! :D Just know that it probably won't happen in the immediate future. I'll be putting up a plot post in my journal soon as I get a chance, too, and we can do more there.

See you around!